November 15, 2010

There's a New Cook In the Cafeteria

Good morning, staff and students. We have a brand new cook. And that’s why our lunch menu will have a brand new look. To make a good impression, our cook’s prepared a treat: your choice of snapping turtle soup or deep-fried monkey meat. If you’re a vegetarian, we have good news today: she’s serving pickled cauliflower and jellyfish soufflé. And for dessert our cook has made a recipe from France: I’m sure you’ll all want seconds— of chocolate-covered ants. I hope you like this gourmet feast. I hope you won’t […]
November 13, 2010


Now I know that all you abies out there have been taught to share and not grab toys out of other little ones’ hands.  But I saw this and I thought it made a pretty good case of when NOT to share, lol!  Now I commend these brothers for sharing and all, but I think there is a point when you have got to put brotherly love aside and say, “get your own!”, don’t ya think?? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
November 12, 2010

Ruffles and bows

What is it that is so appealing about rhumba panties? They’re adorable and I love them. They make baby girls feel prettier than they already were and they can make a baby boy feel either humiliated or precious or a good mix of both. Is it the fact that they just scream baby girl when you see them? I’m not sure but they are one of my favorite things to put a sissy baby in and even an abie girl or diaper girl. I wish I could sew well and […]
November 6, 2010

My Special Necklace

Like my necklace? Isn’t it pretty? It’s very special. Do you know what I like to keep in my special necklace? Something that a dear friend of mine supplies me with. My dear friend you ask? Oh well now, her name is Momma Katanya, and she is a Voodoo Priestess down in New Orleans. And what, pray tell, are the contents of my special necklace used for? Why to keep little ones like yourselves perfectly still, yet completely alert as to what is happening to them, naturally. You see, I […]
November 5, 2010


Momma has a Lolli for you little sissy pants. Mommy’s lolli is her strapon dildo. I’ve told all of my lady friends about how you whimper when I put it in your face and that you really like being my sissy boyfriend who sucks dick. What they don’t know yet is that you’re a diapered sissy baby boy. So far that’s our little secret and if you want to keep it that way you’ll keep sucking my dildo like the lollipop that it is honey. Momma Shirley
November 5, 2010

I’m that special Mommy

I can’t wait for my little boy to come home from school to have a little fun with Mommy Stella. I especially adore my younger boys who still need their mommy to love them and show them how to make Mommy happy, if you know what I mean. *wink* I love changing you because mommy likes to play inside your diaper, and wiping baby’s weewee and balls makes Mommy so happy…just remember, no matter how old you get you will always need your Mommy.
November 3, 2010

diapers on the run

I felt so bad for one of the babies I chatted with the other day. He had bought some Attends on a business trip and spent some time in diapers. He only really gets to enjoy it and be diapered about one weekend every couple of months. Well he got called to a meeting and had to leave the trip early. On the way to the hotel to pack and leave he realized, he had to trash his diapers. He’d only gotten to wear 3 pair of them. Poor boy, […]
October 27, 2010


  Timing is everything in this world…so if you need a mommy to help you figure out what this may mean…I am here…since timing is everything and who wants to miss that opportunity to have that great experience of being taken care of by such a great and caring mommy…to teach all of her little ones how to behave and to be respectful of others is the main objective…so don’t worry mommy will teach you all about timing and how to make sure that you get rewarded for that good […]
October 27, 2010

Time Warp

One of my favorite costumes I wore for Halloween was the couple of years that I went as Columbia from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It’s one of my favorite bad movies and seems to always be on this time of year (yay). I won’t be getting to go see it in the theater this year for Halloween but I was looking at some Halloween music CD.’s the other day and one had The Time Warp on it. It just brought back some fond memories. This year I got talked […]
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