May 22, 2010

Who Are You?

Many of us walk around every day never really realizing who we truly are. There are so many pressures on us to become or be something that we are not. If you are heavy in weight you should be skinny. If you are to skinny then you should gain a few pounds. If you are poor you should be rich. If you are rich then you should be richer. It’s never ending. There is nothing wrong with striving to be better at something, but if you never actually find your […]
May 22, 2010

Finger Painting

I was looking around for finger paints, and look what I came across!  Isn’t it fabulous?  The art work is so intricate and life like, you almost forget that there is just a hand under all that paint and not gloves of some sort.  Can you imagine how long something like that takes to complete?  This beats a hand puppet any day of the week!  All I know is if it were me, I would have plastic gloves on to keep them unspoiled, and not wash my hands for a […]
May 21, 2010

Sweet Nothings

Wow I found these the other day on the internet…swim diapers…wow they lo0k great I wonder if they really work….but what are we ladies suppose to do about covering our tops….hehehe….with summmer coming and the need and desire to swim  what is a girl to do….any suggestions….I know when I have my little ones over I will try them out but do they really work to allow them to swim….Josie
May 21, 2010

witchy Mommy

You’re in trouble now. There was no way for you to know, but I come from a long line of witches. Yep, the wicked kind of witch. We don’t have green faces and crooked noses at all do we? A lot of the other stuff is true though. We can cast spells on people to make them do what we want. You have around thirty minutes before that tea kicks in and you’ll begin to shrink and turn into a tiny helpless aby. When that happens you’ll want your witchy […]
May 19, 2010

adult plastic panties

Tommy loves his Mommy putting him in plastic pants. It started out as punishment because he kept wetting in the bed he shared with his wife. Finally she came to the realization Tommy is just a big baby who has no business in briefs when sleeping. So every night she puts him in cloth diapers and plastic pants, Easy enough solution to the problem right? I thought so. Talking to his wife and Mommy was wonderful, it felt good to be able to help her and to help Tommy. Adult […]
May 16, 2010

Lil’ Kitchen Helper

So, I’m preparing to make some Portuguese sweet bread, and I was thinking wouldn’t it be great if I had a little kitchen helper here with me. We could have matching aprons, and you could help me gather all the ingredients and bring them to the table. Once all the ingredients have been mixed, you can help me kneed the dough until it is just right. You would look so cute with flour smudged across your face and on your nose! Then once it has risen, and is ready to […]
May 16, 2010

A New Twist

Mother May I, you ask all day, Mother May I, none stop you say, Mother May I, do this and that, Mother May I, play with the cat, Mother May I, rings in my ear, Mother May I, as morning nears, Mother May I, I hear in my head, Mother May I, I’ve come to dread, Mother May I, I hear in my sleep, Mother May I, just repeats an repeats, Mother May I, again you say, Mother May I, each and everyday, Mother May I, you loudly scream, Mother […]
May 16, 2010

ABY's in Space – A Journey to Remember

Part 1 We boarded the spacecraft; Mommy Sara, Mommy Ava, Mommy Maggy, Mommy Scarlet, Mommy Minnie, and Daddy Paul along for the ride were Cameron, ABJessie, and few others we kidnapped for the voyage. Everyone had a job to do. Cameron and ABJessie were in charge of the lights and sounds. Daddy Paul in charge of lasers, Scarlet was in charge of the speed controls, Mommy Maggy watched over the nursery, Mommy Ava set the course, and Mommy Minnie the radio, and Mommy Sara steered. They were a little hesitant […]
May 14, 2010

diapers on the move

  it would be really nice if abie mommies had changing tables and spots to change our special babies while out and about. Since we don’t we have to be creative in how we change what needs to be changed. Imagine if we didn’t and we could put you in a changing table at the rest area or take you to the ladies room at the travel center where would you love to be changed? I would love to hear your choices and ideas for dream world abie diaper changes […]
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