April 30, 2010

May is coming

  The weather is getting warm and it is time to go out and enjoy it. We’re about to start the month of May. Can you believe it is here already? It’s time for Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, what a busy month it will be. I’m glad for the nice weather. I hope it doesn’t get too hot for plastic panties for you. Mommy will make the most of it though. Mommy Scarlet
April 28, 2010

Sweet little ones….

Oh where are all my sweet little ones at…..are you out running the streets….causing trouble….well mommy and daddy might have to give nanny a call and make sure that I stop over to ensure that you stay out of trouble…oh so you have been a naughty little one…..well nanny will come over and make sure that you stay out of trouble and that your kept clean….I won’t forget my diaper bag and all my little goodies for my little one to try on and explore with…..Rachel 1-888-430-2010
April 27, 2010

I Like Being A Woman

I like being a Woman. Why? I can cry. I can hug. I can talk to friends I can be soft. I can be strong. I can wear my heart on my sleeve. I can smell pretty. I can sweat. I can take joy in the feel of cashmere. I can romp around in jeans. I can cook. I can not feel like cooking. I can get teary eyed over a movie. I can defend what is right. I can help others. I can offer a hand to a child. […]
April 25, 2010


Mommy is away, but you still need looking after do you not? That is why I am here. Make no mistake though little one. I am not a push over. There are rules and I expect for you to abide by them. If you do not, then there will be punishments involved. Punishments are some of my favorite things to do. I would be good if I were you dears. Ella 1-888-430-2010
April 25, 2010


Writer’s Block. We here blog a lot, and I do mean a LOT. And sometimes we run out of ideas of what to blog about. For instance, right now. lol I have been doing this for so long my mind sometimes blanks out and I cannot think about anything to write about. So I am coming to you for help. This is my email addy: [email protected] , I would like for you to think about something you would like to see me write about and I will give it some […]
April 24, 2010

The Perfect Tushie Cover

I saw this and I almost died! It is just adorable, isn’t it? I have a special little sissy of mine that this would be perfect for. Pair it up with a frilly little sissy dress and a seven layer petticoat, and we are good for a fun day at the park, wouldn’t you say? And when she jumps rope, her dress will come flying up, petticoats and all, and show everyone what a perfect little tushie cover she is wearing! Lovely, simply lovely! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
April 24, 2010

Mommy is back

Oh no did I hear you say…well I am back and oh my do I have some chores for you to do….don’t cry I will be gentle….but you better do what mommy says or else….oh no I need to go to the store and pick up a few more diapers…what should I buy this time….maybe a nice bag of pampers or maybe huggies…they do look oh so cute on you….or maybe you can put them on me….I can’t wait for you to help me out….Josie 1-888-938-7382
April 23, 2010

Fair Time!

Are you ready to come with Mommy for a trip to the county fair? We will ride the Carousel, the Choo Choo Train, the Dragon Wagon, the Spinning Apples, TeaCups, and Watering Whales. We can feed all the animals, watch the clowns, dance to the band and eat till our tummies hurt! Corn dogs, Sausage sandwiches, fries, cotton candy, and funnel cakes. Mommy will bring along lots of diapers cause your bound to have some messy ones! We will play till we drop and party till you poop! Now hurry […]
April 23, 2010

Fun with Mandy

My baby brother has been peeking in on me while I take my bath, he thinks he’s being sly, but hes such a blockhead *laughs*. Mom is making me watch him again tonight while her and Daddy go out to their dancing lessons. I think I shall have me some fun tonight, my dirty little mind has been wandering lately, thinking of all the naughty little things I could con him into doing to me…..hmmmm. Why keep these naughty little thoughts all to myself *sighs*. He is getting older and […]
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