November 25, 2009

Come on Over

Oh does someone need a hug…well come on over and I will make sure that your well taken care of…I have the nursery all set up and it needs someone to make it complete….I have a great deal of experience in diapering, bathing and what ever else my little one may need…Nanny loves to cuddle with all her little ones and make sure that they are well taken care of while they are in her care….so don’t wait anylonger than you have to for Nanny to take care of all […]
November 19, 2009

I’m Totally Nuts About You!

I’ts Janey here and because I am totally nuts about all of you, I have a very special treat through November, in honor of Thanksgiving. You can call your sweet lil’ mommy Janey for $1.79 a minute from the US and Canada! That’s right! I’m not only nuts about you, I am thankful for you and this is how I’m giving back to all my little ones! Can’t wait to talk! Love Janey 1-888-430-2010
November 19, 2009

Snow Angel

I opened up my e-mail today and found this picture. Can’t say that I have ever seen a snow angel quite like this.  Don’t you think someone could use at least a diaper though? Mommy could take him in and get him warmed up and then powdered and into a thick cloth diaper. Our snow angel would be much happier then I would guess. It’s nothing a little bottle of warm milk and diapers couldn’t fix. My vote is for them to keep the halo and wings though. Scarlet
November 18, 2009

Little Playtime

Wow all my little ones…are you ready for the thanksgiving holiday…if not get your diapers out and make sure you have your bags packed…..gobble up all that turkey and make sure that your full….since I will not be cooking this holiday season…mmm….I will give you all my little secrets to make sure that you cook the juiciest turkey ever… Rachel
November 17, 2009

Sleep well my Sweet Prince!

When I come wake my little one up to begin a bright new day, I want you to think of a beautiful crib and nursery that Mommy has all set up for you. You’ll always be kept safe and comfy in your special place. A place of fairy tales, beauty, magic, and filled with love! So Rise and Shine my Sweet Little Prince, awake from those golden dreams and let Mommy and you enjoy a magical day of our own! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
November 15, 2009

Bed Wetter Gift

So what does one give to a bed wetter that has everything?  Diapers of course!  They may not like the idea of being put back into diapers, but let’s be practical, shall we?  After the embarrassment wears off a bit, they will be glad in the long run.  Just remind them that it happens to many people, and if they still give you a problem, then let them know that the next time you find a wet sheet, it will end up hanging outside their window for the whole world […]
November 15, 2009

Come on baby it’s time for bed. Crawl into mommy’s lap with your favorite balnkie and let me tell you a story. In a land far away in another time and place there was a man. That man was very unhappy. He had to wear big boy clothes and go to a big boy job. This man didn’t like to have to be  big boy. One day he met a beautiful woman. This woman told the man that she is a witch and she could tell he was very unhappy. […]
November 15, 2009

What Am I?

I’m the Sitter, and what I say goes! I’ll do what I want, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me! You’re the baby, and I’ll tell you what to do! If you don’t like it, I’ll stick you in diapers and make you sit in the corner! You think I’m pretty, don’t you? You like my sweet giggle? My hot little body? Too bad you can’t have it! I’m only here to look after you! You’ll probably try to flirt with me, and be rewarded with my little […]
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