October 11, 2009

So I’m spanking this little brat for getting into trouble AGAIN and between all his crying he manages to get out: “you’re mean, Mommy Lexus!” haha, did you think that was going to hurt my feelings? oh dear. No, sweetheart, I know I’m a bitch, but that’s what you need to relax. Until you learn to behave, I’m not getting any nicer. Call it negative reinforcement. If you want a sweet Mommy, behave. Simple as that. Ask the good abies around here. When you behave, I can be sweet like […]
October 11, 2009

Rise and Shine

Peek-a-boo! I see your head popping out of the covers. Time to rise and shine, and greet the day! Now let’s get breakfast in that tummy of yours, a clean diaper on that tushie, and put you in a fresh onsie. Isn’t that better? Now we’re ready to get on with the important business of the day – playing! Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
October 11, 2009

Meet Mrs. Pee and Mr. Poo

They are here to say hello to you, they are part of our everyday lives, they fill your diaper, with a big surprise. they play a very important role, they keep us healthy, and they most certainly never complain, but don’t every you worries, Cause Mommies love to change! Now just look at them, aren’t they sweet, like Mr and Mrs Clause, They bring us such a treat. Because bonding is what they bring, between Mommies and her babes, They work so hard to be on time, yet again they […]
October 4, 2009

Time-Out Chair

Look what I just got for all my naughty, naughty boys! A special chair just for you. And I have a special place for it – right in the corner. Won’t eat your veggies? Talking back to Mommy Gina? Were you being mean to the other little boys on the playground? Then in the chair you will go! But before you end up in the chair, Mommy Gina will have to paddle that little hinnie of yours. So next time you think about being bad, just remember that you will […]
October 3, 2009

OK,  Aby’s, DL’s and mommies and sitters Slumber Party night is on the 1st and the 15th of every month. Bring your diapers, jammies and sleepy time blankie. Dont miss out on the fun and bring all your friends! Click Here to join us in chat anytime! Lexus 1*888*430*2010
October 2, 2009

New Panties

Check out the new panties I got. Are they not the best panties ever!! Now I usually do disposables but on occasion I like to play in cloth. And who could pass these up? I know a certain lil sissy who will be very happy to see these also. If she is a very good girl, maybe mommy will give them to her. Mommy Josie
October 1, 2009

bless you!!!!

ACHOOOOOOOOOOO! o no! it sounds like someone else is sick…!! seems like it is going around..poor abie…dont worry i am here to take care of you..i made some hot chicken noodle soup, your favorite! and i got you some grape cough syrup cause i know you have that berry one. youll be all better soon.. i got you so tissue that will make your nose feel better since its all red and sore! Ill give you a warm bath and put you in some warm clothes and tuck you in […]
October 1, 2009

surprise spanking

  A few days ago my husband woke up late for work. When he woke up a couple of hours late he found me sitting in the corner of our room in a chair just in my slip. I glared at him as he hopped up and stumbled for the closet. “Over here.” I said calmly as I held up a small leather paddle. He said something about when he got home he knew he was going to get it, but he really had to get going and call his […]
September 30, 2009

Wanna Lick my Peesicle?

I love to pee outside! In the cold of the morning my pee rushes out of my sweet pussy so warm, it splatters against the concrete as I squat, I can feel it splash back on me all cold from the damp wet ground. I love the sound it makes, at first its racing, thunderously gushing from me, then slows down and trickles out of me, pitter pattering onto the pavement. Oh my its getting colder out, I wonder if in the right temperature if it might freeze in mid […]
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