July 1, 2009

Water Play

It’s such a gorgeous day outside! I thought we could go outside and I would turn on the sprinkler to play in. We’ll get you down to just your diapy, and you and I can run and jump and play in the sprinkler as it moves from one side to the next – dancing together in the make shift rain as it falls gently around us. I so enjoy watching you have fun and laughing, and nothing is cuter then seeing a heavy diaper hang low on a baby’s tushie! […]
July 1, 2009


Well does it take 1 or 2hands to get the job done. HaHa Well I only use 1 since the other one needs to hold the bowl. Do you have any recommendations on how to milk,
June 25, 2009

Play in the flowers with Lauren~

Look sweetie Mommy Lauren is oh so excited to have you come over and play in this beautiful field of flowers. Isn’t it just perfect for a lovely little afternoon picnic and perhaps a game of hide and go seek? Hehe Lauren can’t wait to see your sweet little face pop up in between the flowers and i’m gonna give you a great big hug and kisses all over! you sweetie you…come on let’s spend the day together soon. Muah, Lauren
June 24, 2009

Cute Kitties

How soft and cute these kitties look curled up together! They look so happy and content being cuddled with each other! I love cuddling. Love sitting quietly, arms wrapped around each other, snuggled in close and just enjoying the moment. Listening to your heartbeat and breathing in time with you. Perhaps share stories as we sit in our diapers holding each other. Do you need some snuggle time tonight? CousinJenna 1-888-430-2010
June 24, 2009

Thong or Bikini

So do u like me in a thong or bikini style underwear. Or better yet what do I like on you better. That is truely the question I need to ask. Oh well it depends on shape and size.
June 18, 2009

Let’s play with Play Dough!

Hi sweetie Mommy Laurenis ready for you to come on over and make some fun stuff with my play dough! hehe Lookie just lookie what I made for my ABIEI bet you can make some really neat stuff too! Let’s Play Today ok? Muah..Hugs & kisses, Lauren
June 18, 2009

Rainy afternoon

It sure has been storming a lot in my neck of the woods. Time for some indoor fun and games! I love to color and finger paint with my little ones. Or maybe we’ll make some cookies together. We can play Peek-a-Boo, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and my favorite, This Little Piggy! Now doesn’t that sound like a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
June 17, 2009


What is your preference cloth or disposible. Call me and let me know what your feelings are on each and what you would suggest for others to try and why they should try them. Thanks and take care
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