October 2, 2015

Go ahead and cry little sissy

Your mom drops you off at my house for a few hours while she runs errands. HaHa! She has no idea what I have planned for you. I take you upstairs and strip you of all of your clothes. You start to fight me but you know you can’t argue with your older cousin, I will always win. I tell you that if you don’t wear what I say, I’m going to make you go outside naked. I get you all dressed up as a pretty little girl. You look […]
September 4, 2015

So, you like to play dress up…

I knew you were a diaper lover and I knew you liked being and adult baby. You love the taste of my milk and adore being changed. This was all common knowledge, but when I walked into my bedroom yesterday and saw you digging in my lingerie drawer, my fishnets stretched on your legs and my corset cinching your waist, I was opened up to a new side of you. At first you seemed kind of embarrassed to be caught, but I was delighted that I had a new way to […]
August 24, 2015

Don’t Tell Mommy

You have been such a good little sissy, that I’ve decided it’s time for a surprise. Your mommy and daddy are going to be gone for a while, so your wonderful ABDL babysitter went out and picked up a special outfit that I want you to wear tonight! After I strip you naked, I’m going to put a cute little diaper on you and help you into your new, tiny, lacy maid dress. I’ll help you slip into your new white stockings, slowly pulling them up on each leg, before […]
August 22, 2015

Cuckold Sissy Hubby

I bet you think your dick is great… well its NOT! It’s a tiny, little pee pee, and you are a pathetic little cuckold bitch! I’ve eaten fries BIGGER than your puny little pecker. And I KNOW you touch it a lot. There you are diddling your dick in the corner, how PATHETIC!!! But what I can’t understand is how you find the fucking thing! What do you use for a jock strap? A thimble and some thread? Oh wait… you have to be a jock to use a jock […]
July 30, 2015

Mommy for Diaper Girl

I have so many wonderful sissy boys in my nursery and I just love getting to play with them. I think it would be fun to have some time playing with a sweet diaper girl. She can join us while we play dress up and with all the toys I have for us. I can buy new outfits for my adult babies, the pair of them will look so pretty in their dresses and adult baby diapers! I would hold them to my chest and have them each latch onto […]
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