June 3, 2013

Such a Little Crybaby!

Go ahead and keep crying like a sissy! I told you what would happen if you couldn’t act like a big boi, so don’t even start this crying and begging nonsense! If you can’t be a big boi for Nanny, then you’ll be my little girl. No! No sense crying and trying to look pitiful, you were warned and chose not to listen. Nanny has rules, and you have to obey them without question. There now, take a deep breath, dry your eyes and listen to Nanny. Bring your weepy sissy self over here on Nanny’s lap and let’s calm down a little my ABy. If you’ll just listen, and do as Nanny says, she has a special treat for you. No…I can’t tell you what it is because it’s a surprise! But, I’ll give you a hint…are you listening? It’s long and hard and just for you, my sissy! Nanny Ella 1-888-430-2010
May 31, 2013

Out of Control ABie

I had a very naughty abie to tend to today. Oh my goodness. He was left with a sitter and decided to be as mischievous as possible. I told him that IF he could be good for he would get a story at the end of the night. Miss Samantha even brought over his favorite book from her house. Did he behave? No. Then after a fit, and one problem after another he had the nerve to demand a story – silly, silly belligerent ABie. He has never treated her that way before. I think he was just itching to see what Mommy would do to him. Miss Samantha called me. I got him on the phone and said, “I will call when I am nearly home. When that happens I expect you to be in the corner, where I am sending you now.” So I got home, put up my things, and called for him. I got my hairbrush and tore that sassy bottom all up. Miss Samantha was shocked to see him spanked to tears. I think she felt a little bad for the stinker. I was so embarrassed though, at how he acted. I had him sit on that special punishment stool. The one with prickles for spanked bums. He had to sit there and write an apology to Miss Samantha and then a write off for Mommy (he had to write lines for a quite some time). Once all was done, I hugged him, talked to him, and he went to bed. I know today at work though he is well reminded of what Mommy will do to him.    Mommy Scarlet 1.888.430.2010
May 31, 2013

My Beautiful Darling

Mommy just LOVES how darling you look in your new dress! I just know that if we had a PhoneAMommy Sissy Beauty Pageant, you’d win for sure! Look how pretty your wavy hair slides over the fabric of your darling blue dress! I could just scoop you up and kiss you all over, my delicious little sissy! I love how big the ruffles make your diaper look, and how chubby your little legs are. I could just eat you up, cupcake! Would you like to go to town with Mommy? I think a walk down Main Street is just the thing for a beautiful sissy like you. I want everyone we know to see you in your frilly blue glory! Just imagine how green with envy the other Mommy’s and Daddy’s will be when they see what a gorgeous sissy I’m leading around. Ha! I’m such a very lucky Mommy to have a sissy like you to play dress up with 🙂 Now, grab your little purse and let’s go show you off! Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
May 24, 2013

Sensual AB/DL Mommy Phone Play

One of my favorite things to do in an ab/dl mommy phone sex roleplay is take a bath with my adult baby. I love getting all sudsy and making bubbles in the bubble bath, then bathing my sweet Abie.  We get to play with all sorts of bath time toys – from rubber duckies to wind up toys that swim in the water to soap crayons, and even some special waterproof battery operated toys that make the water bubble up.   Once we get out of the tub I put baby lotion and baby powder all over both of our freshly cleaned bodies.  Then it’s time to get my sweet abie dressed – you love to wear your pretty rubber panties over your pretty pink diapers. They are soft and have pink flowers all over the crinkly diaper.  I fix your hair, then making sure your lace trimmed socks are on perfectly, I slide on some pretty little black patent leather Mary Jane’s with the shiny silver buckles over them. I always make sure everything I dress you in has the faint scent of lavender and roses.   You would be the softest and prettiest little sissy baby!     Mommy Lexus 1.888.320.2010
May 23, 2013

Memorial Day

As Memorial Day approaches, I think about how thankful I am for those who serve. I’d love to show my appreciation, in so many ways. I had a dream last night about it, in fact. I ran into you on some random street and when I leaned up and whispered “Thank you” in your ear, I felt your little soldier begin to salute. Smiling, I told you that I’d love to show you how well I can play the bugle. Intrigued, you laced my arm through yours and led me back to your Hummer. Climbing up into the seat, you introduced me to the Bugle Boy and I blew a little Boogie Woogie song for you. It must have really touched you, because it took your breath and brought tears to your eyes. I’m glad I’ve been practicing! It was just a little something to thank you for protecting these mountains, and the valley, that I call home. Mommy Sara http://www.phoneamommy.com/sara.html Must be 18+ US & Canada: 1.888.430.2010 or 1.888.938.8382 Intl.: 011.1.714.442.2402 All calls discreetly billed as ‘ME LLC’ // Calls 1.99/min + 2.50 connection fee // Text sessions 1.49/min
May 18, 2013

Hypnotized: Fall under Mommy’s Spell

You thought you were a grown man: strong, powerful, independent.  But then you met me, and all that came into question.  The more you spent time in my company, the more you slipped under my spell.  As you would listen to the soft caress of my voice and peer into my eyes, you became lost in them, in me.  I lull you into compliance as I start the process of your age regression, hypnotically regressing you back further and further, until you are my darling little one.  The memory of how it felt to be held in mommy’s arms, so soft and comforting, is renewed once more.  Your independent thoughts are replaced with one simple truth – that nothing exists except for Mommy and you, her precious little ABie, helpless and dependent on your new Mommy for every little thing.     Let Mommy take care of you, making all your AB/DL fantasies become more real then you ever dreamed possible.     Maggie 1.888.430.2010
May 14, 2013

Sweet Sissy Dreams Little ABy

Now I lay you down to sleep Little Sissy oh so sweet Snuggled up, sucking your thumb We’ll play some more when morning comes Now close your eyes, drift off my dear Safe and sound with Mommy near I hear your breathing getting deep That’s it my ABy, off to sleep Mommy Sara http://www.phoneamommy.com/sara.html Must be 18+ US & Canada: 1.888.430.2010 or 1.888.938.8382 Intl.: 011.1.714.442.2402 All calls discreetly billed as ‘ME LLC’ // Calls 1.99/min + 2.50 connection fee // Text sessions 1.49/min
May 12, 2013

Special Candy

Uh-oh. You got into the candy drawer, didn’t you? I don’t know how many times I’ve told you to keep your hands out of there or there would be consequences. Well I had to do something didn’t I, otherwise you’d never learn your lesson. So were they good? The chocolates I mean. Let’s take a look at the damage, hmm. Ohhh hehehehe, you ate all of them. Every last one. Do you know how many there were? Thirty. That’s how many came in the box. See, 30 count. Have a look yourself. Hehehehe, what’s that look on your face for? You thought those were just plain old chocolates hmm? No, no, no, those were special lesson learning chocolates haha. Haven’t you ever had a chocolate flavored laxative before? You seem to have a taste for them now. And you know what the beauty of this is? Two birds with one stone. See, I don’t think you’ll be putting your fingers in the candy drawer anymore – and unless you want to be messing all over the place for the next 12 hours, I think you’re probably getting over your aversion to diapers right about now. And you better make it quick, with the amount of laxatives you just had, I’d say you have only minutes before you start filling your pants. Betty 888-430-2010  
May 10, 2013

Pay Tribute to your ABDL Mommy

Mothers are everything for us when we are small…our lives revolve around her. For everything that we need, we require, we call mommy. She is the one that protects us from all dangers, both perceivable and unperceivable; she is the one that makes everything right again, that makes us smile and giggle in a world of fear and doubt. Mommy is the one that holds our hand and lets us know she is there for us.  When we need someone to kiss away a boo-boo and make it all better, we run to her. And for a warm hug, a gentle kiss, and unconditional love, we look to her.   This is exactly what your ABDL Mommy provides for you – she is always there for you; she makes you feel better and accepted and loved and cherished in a world that falls terribly short.  She is the one that, at the end of the day, will take you in her arms and kiss away all your worries, soothing you with her warm voice, making you forget the trials and tribulations of their vanilla world.  An ABDL Mommy loves her adult babies, diaper lovers, and sissies unconditionally – not despite of your idiosyncrasies, but because of them.  This is a rarity that is nearly impossible to find, and yet you are blessed to have it.    So on this special occasion of Mothers Day, pay tribute to your ABDL Mommy – the greatest blessing bestowed upon you.     Gina 1.888.430.2010
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