December 7, 2012

Adult Baby Tee Shirts: Thoughtful Gift or Diabolical Punishment?

So whatcha think?  I was trying to come up with a unique stocking stuffer, and I thought, why not a cute little Tee shirt (or two, or three or four, lol) with a “personal” touch.  What a thoughtful Mommy I am.  So I got out my box of sharpies and iron-ons and tracing paper and stretched my artistic muscles, so to speak.  Throw into the mix a few plain tee shirts, and a fierce brain storming session, and whaala!  Cute little Diaper Tees. Now anyone who knows me knows that there is always the possibility of something a bit more…sinister… laying in waits just below the sweet and thoughtful facade that I can present to the world.  And I have to admit there just might be a double duty to my cute and seemingly innocent diaper tees. Around the house I know my little ones will wear them proudly and with enthusiasm.  But be naughty and unruly, and I may turn those wondrous tokens of love into a tool of mortifying discipline.  Imagine your face as you have one of these adorable tees on when I announce we need to go out to the mall. Now it’s one thing to have to wear your diaper in public under your big boy pants, but its quite another wearing a billboard stating as much (I personally like the pink one the best, teeheehee).  I figure by the end of our excursion, ¾ of the populous at the mall will know you are a diaper wearing, diaper using Adult Baby. Merry Christmas Little Ones!! Lexus 1.888.430.2010
December 3, 2012


I love this time of the year! I love the pretty lights and all the decorations, and I really love getting lots of presents hehehe! Since we have lots of places to go over the holidays and lots of fun stuff to do, Daddy said we had to go shopping for dresses. Guess what?! I LOOOVE shopping for pretty dresses!!!! We went to the big mall in town and went to my favorite store. I got to pick out lots and lots of pretty dresses and we went into the fitting rooms so I could try them all on. I tried on one that was red and all soft and velvety with a big green bow around the waist and it had lots of tulle under the skirt so it made it puff all out! Then I tried on a really pretty dark blue one, with sparkles alllll over! My favorite one was another one that was big and puffy. It was pretty snow white and had glittery black polka dots and a pretty red bow. Daddy said I could get all three, and he said I was gonna need some new ruffled panties and tights to wear with them! We left the store with four big bags, and then on the way home, Daddy said I was such a good girl, I could get an early Christmas present! We stopped at the special toy store and I picked out a glittery red and white dildo in the shape of a candy cane! If you wanna come play with me I can try on all my pretty dresses for you! And I love sharing with my sissy friends hehehe! Love, Lacy 1.888.430.2010
November 30, 2012

Journey to Dream Land

It’s bed time, time to drift off into dream land, but first Mommy has to get you ready. Hold onto Mommies shoulder, and put your little feet in these warm soft jammies, that’s it, hold on tight so you don’t fall, but no worries, if you do Mommy will always be there to catch you. Ok my sweet baby, time to cuddle on Mommies lap, and let me read you a bed time story, while you latch onto my soft full breast, and fill that little tummy up with Mommy’s sweet warm milk. Do you need a loving Mommy, to dress you, cuddle with you, and read you a bed time story until you drift off into your own little dream world?  Then Mommy Maggie is the one to call. Talk to you soon my little Adult Babies Mommy Maggie 1.888.430.2010
November 23, 2012

Enema for the Holidays

Did everyone enjoy their Thanksgiving!  I hope so.  Sometimes I have a very…unusual thought process.  Take for example this: as I was stuffing the thanksgiving bird, I was wondering – what if instead of stuffing a turkey, I was stuffing another type of white meat, hehe?  I would have buttered and oiled my little apprehensive morsel (namely you 😉 ).  And of course, I would have had to clean out the inner cavity and bowels properly, which means a very strong and effective enema.  I would tuck your knees under you, your bottom poised up and primed to be filled with the warm, soapy solution, or perhaps a natural enema recipe would better suit my needs (a “brown cow” – warmed milk and molasses enema is a very strong but natural one). After the enema did its job and clean your out thoroughly, then the stuffing process can begin – so many choices here, heeheehee!  Should I go with a traditional carrot/celery/onion mirepoix, or perhaps I should stretch you wide open and stuff you with a bread stuffing?  Perhaps something a little more…naughty ;). Oh my imagination just goes wild with possibilities – care to find out how wild? Just give me a jingle and hear for yourself.   Mommy Gina 1.888.430.2010
November 19, 2012

Bad abie

“Bad abie, you sure know how to misbehave taking your bottle & squirting it all over that horny mommy! I think you need some harsh punishment ,if you are lucky maybe that milk drenched lady will put you over her knee and spank you good and hard. Bet you would really like that getting closer to that lady. She could take you home and change your messy diapers. take you to shop for new abie clothes and she could buy you all the rattles,toy animals and teddy bears you could ever want.  Instead you are stuck with your strict dommy mommy that just gives you all the not so fun attention. modifying all the bad behavior with tough rules even tougher consequences. Guess you can close your eyes to day dream about her. Mistress Veronika 1*888*430*2010
November 18, 2012

Public Spanking

I got in soooo much trouble this week! I was at the grocery store with daddy doing some shopping and I did a bad bad thing! Before we even got in the car daddy told me that I better behave myself or he was gonna have to punish me. He said that meant no begging for treats or throwing tantrums. When we got to the store I tried to be a good girl, I really did! But sometimes its just too hard! I got daddy to buy me ice cream and some cookies, and then we walked by the candy aisle and I really wanted some peanutbutter cups. Daddy said no way, he said I already had lots of candy from trick or treating and I didn’t need any more. So of course then I got all pouty and mad. I don’t care that I already had candy, I wanted peanutbutter cups! A little later we were still at the grocery store and I really had to tinkle. I told daddy, but he said that I needed to be a big girl and hold it until we were done. Boy, was I mad then! I couldn’t have peanutbutter cups AND he wanted me to hold my tinkle! He was getting some peas and carrots from the frozen vegetables section when I decided I just couldn’t hold it anymore. I took off my panties and I squatted down and tinkled right in the middle of the aisle! I don’t think I ever seen daddy that mad! He pulled me up by my arm and pulled up my dress and spanked my bare bottom right there in front of everyone! And it HURT! It wasn’t a nice fun spanking! My bottom was all bright red and sore when he was done, and that wasn’t it! Daddy yelled at me the whole way home and he wouldn’t let me have any of my Halloween candy for the rest of the day. Don’t worry though, I was a good girl (mostly) for the rest of the week, and daddy can never stay mad at me for too long, even when I get in trouble, hehehe. kissies, Cali 1.888.430.2010
November 14, 2012

Adult Baby Feedings

You will eat what I tell you to eat….or else…   When I have an adult baby under my care, I like to make him sit in his high chair with no shirt, no shoes or booties, with just a diaper and a bib on… No talking little one – if you behave yourself and be a good Abie and do as you are told, than your AB/DL Mommy will make you something yummy to eat – mashed bananas, blueberry cobbler, and maybe some pudding… would you like that?  I will spoon feed every delicious morsel, playing little airplane and train games, swooping towards you mouth and making feeding time a joyful time. But if you are naughty with back talking and defiant attitudes, then you might very well get something yucky and nasty that you will be made to keep down.  Perhaps I will clean out the leftovers from the frig and throw it all in the blender for you – pork chops, spinach, macaroni and cheese, and maybe a little hot sauce to give it some flavor.  Then once I have shoved every last putrid-smelling crumb into that mouth of yours, I might just have to duct tape your mouth shut so it doesn’t come back up again. So the choice is yours my little ones – be my compliant young man and get a sweet mommy that will feed you yummy sweets and maybe something extra special; or be a naughty adult baby and suffer the consequences – the type of adult baby feeding is entirely up to you. …but make no mistake, you will eat exactly what tell you to…     Your Dommy Mommy Lexus 1.888.430.2010
November 12, 2012

Breasts and thighs abie’s toys

Breast’s and thigh’s are abie’s toys momma loves her abie boy! Just loves to bounce you on her knee & smile as you say “wee” What a good abie you are playing with your toy cars quietly while mommy watched her movie. Oh Mommy know’s what that face you are making over there means its time for you to wet your diapee! Ok , mommy is gonna hold your hand, you can squeeze it as hard as you need to mommy will not mind. Mommy is here to help you in anyway you want. There we go you need a change now? “No, you would rather sit in your wet nappie and scoot across the floor like a puppy?” alright then if that is what makes you happy,playing in a wet nappie. Mommy will not stop you this time. Now play silently while she watches criminal minds. Good abie! Crissy 1*888*430*2010
November 11, 2012

Mommy fantasies

The ultimate in phone fetish conversation. Have you been dreaming of what it would be like to be back in mommy’s arms? Maybe you need mommy to lay down the law with a bit of good ol fashioned discipline? Whatever type of Mommy Fantasy you have, I can make all your role play desires come true. There is nothing you cannot share with me. I am a no taboo kind of mommy who loves to indulge in many types of fantasy play. I am well versed in all fetishes and have been a part of many fantasy role plays. I enjoy every single one. After all variety truly is the spice of life. So many of you smart little ABies come up with the best role play ideas and mommy has a few of her own too. We can explore the world of fantasy role play and come up with something of our very own to share. ~Mommy Josie 888~430~2010
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