May 5, 2011

Mother’s Day

  This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so I just wanted to wish all these wonderful Mommies and Sitters and Grannies over at Phone-a-Mommy a wonderful and relaxing day!! I all know how hard each and every one of you works, and there is no other group of ladies who deserve it more!! So put those feet up, place those cucumber slices on those tired eyes, and let those around serve you for a change!   Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!   Maggie 1*888*430*2010
May 5, 2011

Queen for the Day

    I just wanted to remind all you little ones out there that next Sunday is Mother’s Day and not to forget that special lady in your life. That wonderful woman who kissed your boo-boo’s all better…who chased away the monsters from under your bed…who prepared your meals and washed your clothes and cleaned your room day in and day out. Who has always put your happiness and needs and wants before hers. Yes, that unsung hero in your life – Mom! So give her a hug and a kiss and make her Queen for the Day!   Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
May 5, 2011

Silly Diaper Boi

Silly Diaper Boi you have a crush on me. Awe poor wittle little diaper abie you are all goo-goo gaga for miss Jenna, hahaha awe how cute you are starring at me all star gazed and with butterflies in the tummy, soaking your diapey cause you get so excited. I bet I make the wittle wee-wee all stiffies don’t I. you wanna humpty on me don’t you. You pathetic wittle thing, you cant get a woman like me, your  tiny cock belongs in diapers cause you cant ever please a girl like me. Not even your dreams let you get with me,  Hahaha! Teasing Princess Jenna 1*888*430*2010
May 3, 2011

AB Spankings

Mommy went shopping yesterday and left you with the babysitter. When I got home, mommy had to hear some very bad news…the sitter said that you were being very naughty and not listening to her instruction. You know that mommy always expects you to be on your best behavior when I leave you with the sitter! You know what that means? It means that mommy wants you to go to your room, and patiently wait until mommy comes in to give you some well deserved spanking! And you know that mommy always gives bare bottom spankings when you have been really naughty! I wonder just how many spanks mommy will give you today? Call Mommy Lexus for you AB spankings. 1*888*430*2010
May 1, 2011

Teacher Role Play

So you have to be detained today, oh yes you do. You wish to bring those grades up do you? Straight up I am sure. Well the only way to do so is to serve in my detention for the next week. Mizz Rebecca won’t have this behavior any longer. Cuming late to class, not paying attention to my instructions. You are in dire of need of stricter punishments and lessons that can only be obtained with some one on one personal attention. Attention to me, your undivided attention to pleasing your teacher is what is in order. So my little clown, plan to be staying after today and everyday all next week! Have a good weekend *laughs wickedly* I am certain it will be a restless one with your mind racing of what I have planned. As your Domme Teacher I will expect you to please me! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
April 30, 2011

sissy exam

My sissy boy has been wetting his big girl panties so much lately. I think it’s time to take him to the lady doctor to find out just what’s going on. He always cries like the sissy that he is when he wets his panties, but he does it again and again. So my darling sissy boy I think it’s time for Mommy to take you to the gynecologist. I expected you to cry just like you are right now, but you have to go anyway it’ll be alright. We have to get to the bottom of why you’re panties are always ending up wet. The doctor will do an exam on you and then run some tests. You’ll do just fine though I am positive. Mommy Shirley
April 30, 2011

Plastic Pants

Look at these plastic pants, dont you just love them! I sure do. And I am looking forward to put my diaper lovers and adult babies in these babies ! I want you to look and feel like the Baby you Are! And that begins with Mommy making you look as good as you can with these stylish and leak protection of course LOL. Looking forward to a Diaper Filled all year long! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
April 29, 2011

Forced Babying For My Boyfriend

Men are made, not born. Not all men become men equally. Not all men act like men. Here’s the story: My boyfriend was annoying me. He wasn’t taking me out, he wasn’t pulling his weight. I came home from a job taking care of a very good, passive little one. I knew my bf had the day off, so I had left a little list for him of things that needed doing around the house. I got home and nothing was done. He was playing video games and the house was a mess. The last straw, you could say. To make a long story short, I had enough, and I had an idea. I told him if he couldn’t act like a man, I would no longer treat him like a man, that I would treat him like the child he was acting like, a forced babying as it were. I will save the thrilling details because I don’t diaper and tell, at least not in such a public forum, but let’s just say he took well to the role. Care to hear more? It would be my pleasure to tell you. ~Nanny Ella~ 1-888-430-2010
April 24, 2011

Chloroform Baby

I had a call a while back with one of my little lads and as always he has some of the funniest ideas for a call. In this call his parents had passed away leaving him a insurmountable fortune and I was a co-ed of his at college that wanted to get a hold of that fortune. As you sit and sob on the front lawn of the campus after hearing the news, I hand you my hanky that is laced with chloroform it doesn’t knock you out but it subdues you making you very submissive and weak minded, easily you come under my spell. Be my Chloroform victim….Mandy….1 888 430 2010
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