August 30, 2010


Summer rain showers, how much fun they are! I remember when I was young all dressed up in my rain coat and rubber boots begging mom to let me go out and play in the rain! Scouting out the biggest deepest puddles! Looking at my reflection in the rippling water holes. Spinning in circles till I was so dizzy I could not longer stand. Trying to catch the rain drops with my tongue. Chasing my dog through the overflowing ditch. Scanning the skies for a rainbow. Chanting hymns about rain! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
August 30, 2010

Baby Josh Back In Pampers

This is week 3 for baby joshie’s potty training, and sadly I’m here to report things have not been going too well. Josh continues to make stinky messes in his pull ups that almost always result in Mommy spanking his poopy bottom. Today Mommy had to put away the training pants and pull ups, and make room for the cases of pampers. Josh has no idea his big boy days are over. Do you think he’s going to be upset and throw a hissy? Oh you can bet on it, but once I get done with him he will be diapered and securely rocking in my arms.
August 29, 2010

Be my Doll!

I want to dress you, and keep you, and rock you , and feed you, and make you oh so pretty, change you, play with you, love you, snuggle with you and show you off! Please be my little doll, my real live bratz doll baby that I can manipulate and do with as I please! It will be soooo muchhhh funnnn! You know you want to be! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
August 29, 2010

Happy Music

Isn’t it just amazing how music can effect your mood?  This morning while I was doing Yoga I put on some Happy Music and it always makes me smile and gives me the energy that I need to finish my work out.  Remember when you were in High School and dating and you would break up with someone, or they would break up with you (how dare they!) and a song would come on and it would make you feel like your heart was breaking all over again?  Or the opposite, when you were completely and utterly in love and again, a song would come on the radio and the first thing you would think about was your bf/gf and it would make you smile and feel all lovey dovey?  So today put on some good music, that which makes you happy and enjoy yourself! Jenna 1-888-430-2010
August 28, 2010

Kitty in a Box

Ok, once again I am finding myself saying  “Awwwwww!”, but now it’s also followed with a big grin and a chuckle.  Seems our wittle kitties have grown and graduated for cups to boxes, hehe.  These two are trouble makers, I can see it in their cute little twitching noses.  Mommy kitty must have her paws full with these two!  I wonder if she has a little kitty paddle to deal with them, lol! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
August 27, 2010

Through the looking glass….

As I sit and reflect on my Mother, a smile always comes to my face. I think of the first time I skinned my knee and how thoughtful and concerned she was. Taking me inside and bandaging my knee, wiping away my tears with her kisses. I reminisce of the smells, the fresh baked cookies, dinner cooking all day long on the stove in preparation for a larger Sunday evening dinner. I reflect on her singing and rocking me to sleep long into my double digits. I recall the shopping sprees or even coming home to a surprise gift laying on my bed that she had picked up for me while she was out that day. So many wonderful memories! What are some of yours? Would you like to re-live them with a mommy? Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
August 23, 2010

Who needs a hug?

Nurse Betty is feeling extra loving and cuddly today. I think free hugs are in order with any visit to my office! I know an enema, and needles, and just check ups in order can scare you little ones off! Its ok.. If you come visit me, you just won’t get a lolly at the end of our visit. Nurse knows how to take care of her patients and she knows what all you need from her! You better make an appointment soon, its time for a check up! XOXO Nurse Betty
August 23, 2010

Qui Jun and the Arrogant Monk

There once lived a monk called Shan, in a village in China. He had earned a great name for himself. But he was very arrogant. Qui Jun heard of his arrogance and wanted to teach the monk a lesson. He went to meet Shan who neither greeted him nor acknowledged his presence. Just then a servant of the monk came with a message: “The son of an army officer is here to see you.” The monk said, “I will go and greet him.” Shan welcomed the son of the army officer with respect. After the army officer’s son had departed Qui Jun asked Shan the reason for his double-faced behaviour. “Why is it that you greeted the army officer’s son so respectfully, yet behaved so arrogantly towards me?” Shan the Monk had a quick reply: “Please don’t get me wrong. For me greeting meansnot greeting and not greeting means greeting.” Qui Jun understood the monk’s mischief and hit him hard on his head with his stick. “According to your logic, beating you means not beating and not beating you means beating. Therefore, I have to give you a beating,” said Qui Jun. Shan immediately realised the folly of his actions and started showing respect to everyone he met, irrespective of their status. lily
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