August 22, 2010


  I hear the abies talk about celebrities they would like to have as Mommies or Sitters. Sometimes I see certain celebrities and think to myself I would love to diaper them. Today it was the magician/illusionist David Blaine. I have no other reason than I think ht would look simply adorable in one. I can’t remember the TV special or interview I saw it in, but he spoke so sweetly about his Mother. It was really touching. So you abies aren’t alone, mommies think about that stuff too.   Mommy Scarlet
August 21, 2010

Demon or Angel?

As with many people, I seem to have an angel on one shoulder and a demon sitting on the other, with both whispering in my ear what to do. My angel says that I should forgive my little one and let his little indiscretions slide. That I should hold him tight and shower him with kisses and love. My demon on the other hand, is telling me that he needs to be punished – severely. A paddling that leaves his hinny red, raw and welted, then forcing him to stay in a dirty, soiled diaper ‘til an extreme rash has formed, and perhaps a strong enema so speed up the soiled diaper process (and this is just for starters – my demons can be quite imaginative). The question is, which one will win out? Which one will hold sway – my demons or my angels? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
August 21, 2010

Playing Dress Up

How many of you played dress up when you were little kids? I know we used to. And boy were they some really ugly clothes that we had to dress up with. My one niece has a big load of clothing that she uses to play dress up and they are some fancy clothing, not like the mismatched crap we used to have. I’m kinda jealous lol. Anyway, some of you still do play dress up, I know you do because I have seen the pictures! What I want to know is what are your favorite little outfits to dress up in? Send me some pictures so I can see, cuz I’m nosy like that. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
August 20, 2010


I have had the bad fortune of having to visit the dentist. And all I can say is Owieeeee! Dentist visits are no fun. It made me think of my little abies and when they have toothaches. How miserable they feel and how they suffer. Poor little ones up crying all night and not much to soothe the pain. There are lots of home remedies that Mothers use that help to ease the pain. So be sure to take care of those pearly whites! Listen to your MOM! Sara 1 888 430 2010
August 15, 2010

Little Swimmers

I saw these and I thought how cute!! Little swimmers for big babies! Perfect for the beach or the town pool, hehehe. I would lay you down on the blanket, take off you regular diaper (yes, in front of everyone there), and put on your little swimmers. Then after some water fun, I would lay you down once again, get you all dried off (and yes, in front of every one there again), and put a fresh, thick diaper on again. Then some cuddle time while I nurse you, and a nap under a big beach umbrella for my sleepy head! Nighty night! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
August 15, 2010

Enemas…for CATS?!?!?!?

I was googling the word enema today because I like enemas for one, but for another to see if anything new that I have not read or seen would come up. And “Enemas for cats” came up. NOT what I was looking for, nor would I want to even see it! I really feel badly for any cat that has to get an enema. And hopefully people are NOT administering these things at home, unless of course a vet tells them they must and shows them how to do it, not just some random people flicking a cat’s tail up and going to town. Nanny Ella 1-888-430-2010
August 15, 2010

A Perfect Day

What would your perfect day be? Would it be just relaxing?  Starting a vacation?  Being with the one you love?  I think mine would have to be spending the day with friends and a very special someone who I love very much.  Maybe go to the beach, or go window shopping, or watch a movie with them.  There is something so wonderful about being with someone you are totally in love with.  Your heart beats faster, your face hurts from smiling and you laugh a lot.  It just makes life so much better.  So that would be my perfect day, what would be yours? Jenna 1-888-430-2010
August 14, 2010

First Bike

Do you remember your very first bike? Training wheels and all! Do you remember all that hard work with Mom outside trying to ride it all on your own? No training wheels? No Hands? Mom making sure you were covered top to bottom in protective gear? Well if it was long ago you may not recall protective gear, but Moms heart was still all a flutter I asure you! I remember my first bike ride and how proud I felt when mom let go of the handle bars and the back of my seat with her hands and I went flying straight for a mail box! I still have the scar on my knee. LOL. Come take a jouney back in time with me, Mommy Lauren. Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
August 13, 2010

Frisky Friday!

Since it’s Friday, I feel like having a good time! I would love to hear some of the amazing stories you have to tell me. I wanna hear all about your adult baby fantasies, ideas, and experiences. I bet sharing stories will make you wet your diaper, here- let Nurse Betty change you. I’ll tell you a story before I tuck you in, doesn’t that sound nice? Your Favorite Nightime Nurse, Nurse Betty
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