July 3, 2010

Destressing Night Planned

Today is a very stressful day. I have a lot to do in a very short amount of time. I know this happens to all of us at one point or another. Big day tomorrow, so I have to prepare a lot of food today, but tonight will be time just for me. I plan on taking a long hot bubble bath, with candle light, and some soft music. I just hope I don’t fall asleep in the tub, that just would not be good. That will have to wait until tonight though, but for now, in between all the prep work for tomorrow I broke out a gift someone had sent me for Christmas. It’s a special hand soap called Ocean. I found a picture of what it looks like so you can see what I am talking about. You see it? I hope you do, it’s right there lol. I just tried some, and while I was allowing the foamy bubbles move over my hands I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I actually feel better. It’s amazing what lovely scents do to one’s mood. If you find yourself stressed today, take a moment and breath deep, close your eyes and find your happy place until you feel yourself relax again. It’s amazing what a small break can do. Nanny Ella 1-888-430-2010
July 3, 2010

Benjamin Franklin

Since it is the weekend where we celebrate the founding of our Nation. I thought it would be a good idea to put some quotes up from one of our more famous Founding Fathers. I am speaking about Benjamin Franklin, not a good looking man by the way. None of them were come to think of it if portraits are correct. So, anyway here are a few of the good ones: Where there’s marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none. Some are weather-wise, some are otherwise. Some sage advice if you ask me. Mommy Sue 1-888-430-2010
July 2, 2010

smooth sissy

One part of feminizing you is removal of boy type hair. The summer months mean short skirts,dresses, swim suits, tank tops etc. . So that means you need to be smooth and presentable in anything your Mommy may want to dress you in. Are you ready for Mommy to take you to the beauty shop to have you waxed bare? I don’t care if we wax or shave , but the point is you will look smooth and nice for me. Little baby girls should be hairless anyway so I think. Mommy Shirley
July 1, 2010

Mommy Stella Loves Big Baby

Hi Aby’s. I’m Stella, and I would love nothing more than to be your mommy!!! I’m 47 years old, divorced and have 3 children all grown up and living on their own now. I miss doing all the mommy things I used to do, like diaper changes, breast feeding and especially bedtime with baby when I get to hold baby in my arms and gently rock him to sleep. I became a ABDL mommy because I love to take care of big babies, so don’t hesitate to call me and let Mommy Stella take good care of baby. Stella 1 888 430-2010
June 28, 2010


I so love the summer time, getting outside and doing all those fun things you always enjoyed as a kid and I always take advantage of sunny days to do it all over again, swim, ride bikes, roller skate, play basketball / shoot baskets, run through the sprinkler, jump rope, blow bubbles, make art on the front walkway with sidewalk chalk, play catch, play Frisbee, build a fort in the backyard, chase butterflies or fireflies, run relay races, egg toss, feed the birds or squirrels. play in the sandbox, play flashlight tag, play Kickball, play hide-and-seek, find shapes in the clouds, play hopscotch, play jacks, play tag, three legged races, and hula hoop! Join mommy for some outdoor Fun in the Sun! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
June 28, 2010

Buttercups and Daisies

Buttercups and daisies- Oh the pretty flowers, Coming ere the springtime To tell of sunny hours. While the trees are leafless, While the fields are bare, Buttercups and daisies Spring up here and there. Ere the snowdrop peepeth, Ere the croscus bold, Ere the early primrose Opes its paly gold, Somewhere on a sunny bank Buttercups are bright; Somewhere ‘mong the frozen grass Peeps the daisy white. Little hardy flowers Like to children poor, Playing in their sturdy health By their mother’s door: Purple with the north wind, Yet alert and bold; Fearing not and caring not, Though they be a-cold. What to them is weather! What are stormy showers! Buttercups and daisies Are these human flowers! He who gave them hardship And a life of care, Gave them likewise hardy strength, And patient hearts, to bear. Welcome yellow buttercups, Welcome daisies white, Ye are in my spirit Visioned, a delight! Coming ere the springtime Of sunny hours to tell- Speaking to our hearts of Him Who doeth all things well.
June 27, 2010

A few Ways to Stay Cool this Summer.

1. Dress lightly, wear lightly wetted t-shirts, wear light colored clothing as it reflects the heat or go naked 2. Use a cool wash cloth and wear it on the back of your neck 3. Play in the sprinkler then cool off in the shade 4. Eat lots of Ice Pops 5. Drink plenty of fluids (preferably low in sugar or water) and don’t drink it ice cold unless you want a brain freeze 6. Eat cool foods, like lots of watermelon or eat chicken salad in a melon 7. Keep a spray bottle close filled with water to mist off with or even the ones with a built in fan 8. Take a Hot Shower, sleep in silk or nylon sheets 9. Rub down with mint or peppermint lotions 10. Keep electrical devices off or to a minimum Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
June 26, 2010

A Lesson in Beauty

One of my favorite things to do when teaching little sissies and girls the wonders of being feminine is to take them to the beauty salon for a pedi and mani. There’s something about getting the nails done in a pretty cotton candy or perhaps a harlot red that makes one feels so girlie. They also get to benefit from all the beauty tips and lessons that the technicians can pass along to them – from make-up tips to skin care to hair styling ideas. Of course that is after all the giggles and whispers, hehe. But that’s the price one pays for beauty, isn’t it? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
June 23, 2010

To My Grandmother

All the things you used to do Cooking dinner on Sunday Making homemade stew Sitting for hours Telling us tales Of how poor Jonah Was swallowed by the whale Working in your garden Pulling all the weeds Wiping sweat from your brow And gently planting seeds You are a special Grandma One that we adore You taught us right from wrong And so very much more. Grandma I remember When you would sing a song You would encourage Us all to sing along And you would sit and rock And read the Bible While we would play I can still see it As you held it in your hands Well worn from all your reading And learning of God’s plans Grandma, I remember Don’t worry about me You taught us all so well Years ago upon your knee. Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
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