June 19, 2010

Potty or Torture Chair?

Ok, I have to admit it; I have a fascination with interesting and unusual antiques, items, and old pieces. So it’s no surprise that this old potty chair caught my eye. The fact that there are  straps really peak my interests. Such diabolical torture that must have been taken place in this chair – makes me all a giggle, hehehehe! I’m thinking a triple dose of castor oil and then strap them down for the day! Perhaps even a strategical placement in the public eye!   Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
June 19, 2010

Sore Hiney Blues

This is the official song of the slow pokes of the world. It’s called the Sore Hiney Blues: When the road is feeling rocky And you know you’ve paid your dues When your knees are feeling knocky You’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The SAGS, they got pretzels And Watermelons too, But when my hineys hurting They say, WE CAN’T HELP YOU! The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues Last night at the hotel While Red Eye drank the booze Johnny grabbed the jelly He’s got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues Each day that we’re peddling The ride is in the news Krystal she be writing Bout the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues John Frame’s got my suitcase Kathy’s got my dues Mike Quinn’s got my beer I got the Sore Hiney Blues! The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues Two hundred riders That ain’t just a few We’re standing all the way home With the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues My chain is slippin My tires are leaking air My hineys really hurtin Are we there? Are we there? The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The ride is almost over Don’t need no stinking Cues But Tommy Imbrigotta’s Got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues 100 miles is easy 250 gets you sore 500 leaves you begging My poor hiney can’t take no more! I guess you can make up your own tune to it, since I didn’t see one with it. I think it’s about riding motorcycles, but I don’t know lol. One thing I do know, I can give you a sore hiney without making you ride a Harley for 1000 miles. Sue 1-888-430-2010 The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues
June 18, 2010

Bunnie Love

My secret love are bunnies.  I love everything about them, except their lil bunnie poop that is.  When I was a little girl I used to collect bunnie figurines.  I still have some of them, packed away of course, I’m a bit old to have bunnies all over my house.  Might come across as a bit psychotic, right?  This is one of my favorite bun bun pictures.   Look how cute! Jenna 1-888-430-2010
June 16, 2010

out of the ordinary

Look who is out getting some shopping done. What is it he is buying though? Those aren’t shopping bags. So what’s Ronald up to? I know this isn’t diaper or abdl related, but sometimes you just see stuff out of the ordinary you know what I mean? What kinds of strange things out of place have you seen lately? Mommy Shirley
June 16, 2010

Heat Wave

Mommy was searching all day wandering what she can put baby in and make sure that they don’t get overheated……so I call the other mommies and asked if they wanted to meet at the mall and do some baby shopping….wow did we have fun…having all our little ones in their strollers with all their beautiful mommies…wow we were a sight to see…but we have to keep our babies from overheating during this heat wave we are having…stay cool and dry…Josie
June 13, 2010

Bikini Season

It’s time to prepare for summer Girls! Hair, nails, high heels and picking out the perfect Bikini! What kinda bikini is my sissies slippin into this summer? Is it going be frilly and pretty, or slinky and sexy? Have you waxed or shaved? Make sure that your skin is silky smooth! Heels are a must helping accent the calf, elongating the leg and it also gives the illusion of thinning out the thigh. If you need any help primping, be sure to call me for some assistance! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
June 13, 2010

Cameron's Space Spanking

On our journey to Jupiter, Cameron was being a very naughty boy. Begining with urging all his friends, Alf, Big Bird, and Ernie to continiously shout out “Are we there yet!” So I had no other choice but to give him a spanking in front of all the Mommies aboard. He was placed over my knee as I sat in the control room and spanked his little bottom till he learned his lesson. The very first Space Spanking. Then of course he needed a diaper change so luckily the ship has a fully decked out nursery aboard loaded with Bambino diapers. I changed his diaper and placed him in the play pen next to the window so he could watch as we circled around Jupiter preparing to land. Cameron is making history with us Mommies here at phone a mommy on our journeys in the UFO provided by Cameron, come and join us in our adventures Abies in Space! Dont forget to Phone a Mommy! Sara 1 888 430 2010
June 12, 2010

Rhumba Bras

I love Rhumba panties, especially when they are worn with Rhumba Bras. What is a Rhumba bra you ask, take a look. I would wear this. It’s beautiful isn’t it? This is something someone could wear on their wedding night. I would wear it on mine, if I ever get married that is lol. I keep waiting for my boyfriend to ask me, but I guess it will take awhile. Maybe instead of wearing this for my wedding I should just put it on for him along with some rhumba panties to match, see what his reaction is. Liz 1-888-430-2010
June 12, 2010

Nanny Needs….

So your wandering what is going to be next…well I would love to have my feet rubbed…or better yet have all my little ones rub my back…so what culd it be that Nanny needs next…mmmm….maybe a new paddle since the last one was broken due to all those bad little ones that mommy had to spank….or a new rocking chair so she can rock you gently to sleep….with her little ones nestled up against her chest listening to her heart beat…oh how sweet no think about Nanny and have sweet dreams….Rachel
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