June 11, 2010

Tree Envy

So what can I say about this – I mean seriously (between all my giggles and snickers). If this doesn’t give you little ones penile envy and a severe inferiority complex, I don’t know what will, LOL! I know, you keep pulling your diaper out so you can look down at that itty bitty thing in there, then look back up at this picture – then back down and back at the tree. And THAT, my little darling, is the difference between a grown-up peepee and that teeny tiny little aby weewee you have tucked away in that diaper of yours! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
March 9, 2010


I know you like to draw on anything and everything you see but sometimes you just can’t do that you know so granny minnie looked around the stores for something that would come off when you start drawing on the floors walls the bathroom even the tub. Yes i know you want to be a artist someday but just not on my furniture and walls and even see some on that cute bottom of yours laughing just not sure how you got to the back part of your diaper on that one.But found a crayon you can play with all you want and the good news is it washes off.yay Minnie
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