July 30, 2008


What more can I say? I’d love to have this one in my wardrobe of goodies. How cute is that! My abie side would love to show off in it too! Yes, I’m a girl and I still wear blue. Pair that up with a cute skirt and a fresh diaper, and off I would skip, happy and content. Wouldn’t you love to dress me up in it? 😉 CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
July 28, 2008

Back from the Fetish Convention

Hello my loves.  My apologies for not writing earlier, but your Nurse Betty has been very busy.  Hopefully you will forgive your favorite Nurse. I just returned from a Fetish Convention where I attended several Medical Fetish seminars (with equally delightful demonstrations) .  Oh sweet things – I can not wait to try out some of the techniques I learned with you.  Write to me and we’ll schedule a play date.  Or, better yet call me.  Why wait? Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 430-2010 http://www.phoneamommy.com/betty.html http://www.phoneamommy.com/main.html […]
July 16, 2008

Dirty Thoughts?

Yes, I have been having these thoughts lately. Yes, about you, that’s right. I can’t get you out of my head or off my mind. I need to feel that connection, I want to snuggle with you and cuddle you and hold you close. I want to rock you and feed you. I want to hold you close til you fall asleep in my arms… I guess those thoughts aren’t so dirty. They’re just…sweet…what has gotten into me lately? Ohhh that’s right, you have 😉 CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
July 8, 2008

Yeah baby we do!

I love all the abies that I babysit for, however the blond ones hold a special little spot in my heart. Just like me, they tend to be free with their thoughts and expressions. They know what they want, and often times know just how to get it to. Nothing like a blond haired blue eyed abie looking up at you after they’ve done something naughty with the “I didn’t do it!” look on their faces. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh along. I suppose I know that look so […]
July 2, 2008

Oral Exam

Lately I have had an absolute craving to suck on anything. Lollipops, hard candies, soda straws, pens, fingers, toes!…anything I can get a suction fix from, I’m into it! I am on the lookout for anything and everything I can to get my oral fixation. Do you have something to offer me to suck on? I would *love* to hear all about it! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
June 9, 2008


                    Nurse Betty likes cozy intimate chats with my abie patients in private. Unlike many of the other nurses who are either too strict or too busy, I  always finds the time to listen and to please. Yes you can stroke my stockinged leg. All the way up to my panties if you like.  I’ll let you tease me through them, but maybe I’ll  draw the line at letting you pull […]
June 2, 2008


              Do you remember when you were a small infant? How blissful that was! Not a care in the world. Now you can regain that bliss by being one of the many adult babies wearing diapers.  I’m a Mommy and a Nurse so I know how to pamper my babies.  Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 430-2010 http://www.phoneamommy.com/betty.html http://www.phoneamommy.com/main.html Add “PhoneNurseBetty” to YAHOO Messenger and tell me your naughty secrets  Â
May 26, 2008


Mommy opened up her closet today for a little sissy abie. Well mommy didn’t know her adult baby was a sissy at first. AB was watcing Mommy get dressed up. But abies favorite was watching me put on my make up cause I put a little bit of lipstick and blush on mommy’s abie. Then grabbed my pink scarf and wrapped it around his neck and tied it in a big bow. Mommy had a cute little sissy on her hands. Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 […]
May 19, 2008


Bobby loves waddling around the park in his diaper while sucking his thumb and then turning onto his back and kicking his little legs in the air. Nurse Betty always knows when Bobby has had enough humiliation and needs to find his release. She removes Bobby’s Diaper always to find a hard on which Bobby always manages to milk for Nurse Betty and cum all over her huge milky tits. What a good boy Bobby has been today.  Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 430-2010 http://www.phoneamommy.com/betty.html […]
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