September 10, 2010

sleeping angels

Even the naughtiest little abies need to sleep sometimes. Do you know what I like? When a baby is so fussy and making so much trouble but then they look like angels when they are sleeping. It’s kind of funny and cute. You know they are just resting to gain more energy to run and be crazy with, but that’s OK Mommy has a solution for when energetic goes to bad. So you just get your rest in and see what we can get into once you’re charged up and […]
September 9, 2010

Nanny Stella Meets Baby

Well hello there sweet pee I’m Nanny Stella and your Mommy hired me to watch you while she’s out shopping. Don’t worry angel your Mommy told me how you like to be diapered, and just how much powder you like on your bottom. Your Mommy even told me how you like to be rubbed down there until you make a big squirty in your diaper for your Mommy. Nanny Stella has many years of practice with my own kids and my breasts are still lactating because my boys still like […]
September 1, 2010

Diapered Husband

  I’ve been talking to Diapered Joe for awhile now. He’s even been so kind as to let me talk with his amazing wife. How is she amazing you might wonder, it’s because she diapers Joe on a regular basis. So many guys tell me they are looking for a woman to diaper them, dominate them, baby them, control them, and it goes on and on. So many say they simply cannot find a woman into it. Diapered Joe’s wife is proof that there are other women out there that […]
August 31, 2010

My Dream (A Vision Of Peace)

Where the mountains touch the sky Where poets DREAM, where eagles fly A secret place above the crowd Just beneath a silver-lined cloud. Lift your eyes to a snowy peak And see the soon-to-be we seek Whisper DREAMS and let them rise To the mountains old and wise. Climbers climb, it’s time to try Where the mountains touch the sky Take me there. Oh take me now… Someway, Someday, Somewhere, Somehow! Where the ocean meets the sky Where dolphin dance and seagulls fly A place in DREAMS, I know so […]
August 27, 2010

Through the looking glass….

As I sit and reflect on my Mother, a smile always comes to my face. I think of the first time I skinned my knee and how thoughtful and concerned she was. Taking me inside and bandaging my knee, wiping away my tears with her kisses. I reminisce of the smells, the fresh baked cookies, dinner cooking all day long on the stove in preparation for a larger Sunday evening dinner. I reflect on her singing and rocking me to sleep long into my double digits. I recall the shopping […]
August 23, 2010

Qui Jun and the Arrogant Monk

There once lived a monk called Shan, in a village in China. He had earned a great name for himself. But he was very arrogant. Qui Jun heard of his arrogance and wanted to teach the monk a lesson. He went to meet Shan who neither greeted him nor acknowledged his presence. Just then a servant of the monk came with a message: “The son of an army officer is here to see you.” The monk said, “I will go and greet him.” Shan welcomed the son of the army […]
August 22, 2010


  I hear the abies talk about celebrities they would like to have as Mommies or Sitters. Sometimes I see certain celebrities and think to myself I would love to diaper them. Today it was the magician/illusionist David Blaine. I have no other reason than I think ht would look simply adorable in one. I can’t remember the TV special or interview I saw it in, but he spoke so sweetly about his Mother. It was really touching. So you abies aren’t alone, mommies think about that stuff too.   […]
August 10, 2010

Adult Babies with Questions

When people finally realize that they are adult babies or that they like diapers they often have a lot of questions. They want to know why they like the things they like. A curious new adult baby wants to know that there are other people out there who like it too. Some of they want to tell others how they got into the diaper and adult baby lifestyle or fetish (whichever it is for them). The Phoneamommy Board is a good place to share and ask questions. The mommies and […]
August 5, 2010

The Forgotten Mother

A gray old woman sits all alone Unloved, uncherished and unknown. Sitting beside her broken door. Dreaming of days past long ago, When children played about her knee Filling the air with childish glee, Tended by her with loving care. Knowing the blessing of a Mother’s prayer. But now they have gone, each to his life A girl to her husband, a boy to his wife, Forgetful are they of her who sits here Silently wiping a tricking tear, For striving for things in a life so brief Blind their […]
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