August 4, 2010

diapered abie girls

  Every so often I hear from a biological girl who wants a momy to make her into her diaper wearing baby. Sometimes it is even a DL just wanting to speak to another woman about her fetish. Sure they can call the daddies and boy DL’s here, but sometimes they just want a woman. I’ve never had a baby girl of my own in real life so it’s pleasing to get to play with them at phoneamommy. I treat them just like the baby girls they are inside. I […]
August 1, 2010

Slumber Party!

Make sure you stop by and visit with me and my friends for the Slumber Party! Special Rates for calls during the Party hours! It is a great time to get to know us all better and partake in our little community! Bring your sleeping bags, pillows, come diapered or in a pretty dress, jammies, babies grab your bottles and favorite stuffed toy! And let us Party Down! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
July 27, 2010

Childhood Memories

Skinned knees, climbing trees, forts of sheets, sugary sweets, hide-n-seek, taking peeks, Spaghetti O’s, pants with holes, summer nights, pillow fights, Christmas trees, play in leaves, eating dirt, dirty shirt, monkey bars, shooting stars, bright balloons, afternoons, school bell rings, choir sings, taking tests, try my best, friends fight, summer nights, friends play, summer day, snow fort, life’s short, memories, part of me, will not forget, will not regret, worth more than gold, a treasure to hold, thank God for these, Childhood Memories. © Ellen M. DuBois
July 16, 2010

diapy rashes

Hello abies and diaper lovers. I have had a couple of abies tell me “Mommy, I want to know how to get rid of diapy rash.”. I know I am normally a mean Mommy, but I have some advice for taking care of your sore bottoms. Let the skin air out. I know you love your diapers, and I love you in diapers too. Airing out the irritated skin is good though so take a diaper break if you can. Also wash the area with a cotton swab dipped in […]
July 1, 2010

Mommy Stella Loves Big Baby

Hi Aby’s. I’m Stella, and I would love nothing more than to be your mommy!!! I’m 47 years old, divorced and have 3 children all grown up and living on their own now. I miss doing all the mommy things I used to do, like diaper changes, breast feeding and especially bedtime with baby when I get to hold baby in my arms and gently rock him to sleep. I became a ABDL mommy because I love to take care of big babies, so don’t hesitate to call me and […]
June 28, 2010


I so love the summer time, getting outside and doing all those fun things you always enjoyed as a kid and I always take advantage of sunny days to do it all over again, swim, ride bikes, roller skate, play basketball / shoot baskets, run through the sprinkler, jump rope, blow bubbles, make art on the front walkway with sidewalk chalk, play catch, play Frisbee, build a fort in the backyard, chase butterflies or fireflies, run relay races, egg toss, feed the birds or squirrels. play in the sandbox, play […]
June 23, 2010

To My Grandmother

All the things you used to do Cooking dinner on Sunday Making homemade stew Sitting for hours Telling us tales Of how poor Jonah Was swallowed by the whale Working in your garden Pulling all the weeds Wiping sweat from your brow And gently planting seeds You are a special Grandma One that we adore You taught us right from wrong And so very much more. Grandma I remember When you would sing a song You would encourage Us all to sing along And you would sit and rock And […]
June 23, 2010


Birthdays are special days. This week one of my very best friends is celebrating their 40th Birthday. I promise I put a lot more effort into her Birthday cake than this one in the picture. Her fiance asked me if I would bake her a cake if he organized the party. Fair enough, I love to bake anyhow so it was a good deal. I told him the Birthday spankings were his responsibility also. Happy Birthday to all of the June birthday abies and dl’s out there.   Mommy Scarlet
June 22, 2010

The Fieldmouse

Where the acorn tumbles down, Where the ash tree sheds its berry, With your fur so soft and brown, With your eye so round and merry, Scarcely moving the long grass, Fieldmouse, I can see you pass. Little thing, in what dark den, Lie you all the winter sleeping? Till warm weather comes again, Then once more I see you peeping Round about the tall tree roots, Nibbling at their fallen fruits. Fieldmouse, fieldmouse, do not go, Where the farmer stacks his treasure, Find the nut that falls below, Eat […]
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