December 4, 2008

Stopping time

    This is a funny picture I saw, but it made me think. If you could stop time would you? Life has it’s own pace, and plan right? So if you had the ability to mess with it for whatever reason would you? I personally think it is kind of nice to not have the stop time, reverse time, backspace option of life. Sure we could correct some mistakes, but we wouldn’t learn from them.   Scarlet   ABDL Phonesex
November 27, 2008

Make an Apple Turkey!

What could be more in the Thanksgiving spirit than a celebration of the turkey? You will enjoy making these little turkeys out of apples. *giggles* This is a great activity to keep small hands out of the kitchen while Mommy prepares that big meal. All you need are a few apples, some toothpicks, marshmallows and raisins and you’re all set! When you are done you will have made a fabulous table decoration everyone can look at and enjoy while they gobble the real thing. *smiles* What You Need: * A […]
November 27, 2008

diapered and on the go

With so many people traveling I wonder if diaper lovers are wearing on the roads? It would sure make the trips faster, and for traffic, oh my goodness what a lifesaver. So who is wearing on the road this weekend everyone? Curious mommies want to know. I see so many times that being a diaper lover could be such an advantage, traveling and camping are my two big ones. Mommy Scarlet Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
November 20, 2008

Lazy Days

Just laying around the house or doing what ever you want. I love those days were you do not have to be somewhere at a certain time or something has to get done. Just a day to do what ever your heart desires. Whether you laze around in your diaper, read a good book, watch a good movie, or go to the park to play enjoy your lazy days. What ever they bring you. Lazy days are great for a really good phone session. *giggles* 🙂 Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
November 20, 2008

how it goes when an abie is in trouble with Mommy

   Some of you may know that I give my abie a set amount of time for games and computers. It’s something we agreed upon when we decided to take this path. There are exceptions, and he gets good boy treats of extra time. The other day though I was worn out, it had just been one of those days. He picked the time I needed his help to play a game. I know he knew it was wrong because he gave me the mischievous smile he gives me when […]
October 30, 2008

Falling Dreams

     I think one of the most common dreams has to be the falling dream. You know the one, you are fast asleep and suddenly you are tumbling. My abie told me he had one last night, but that it turned into a flying dream. He watched as he fell through the stars at night, but soon was flying in the clouds. It sounded like a lot of fun really. It saved him from all of those jerky feelings the falling dream gives you too.   Mommy Scarlet
October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hey there to all my ab/dl’s Nanny Rachel is anxiously waiting for your call to hear all about your costume for halloween. This time of year is always so much fun because you can be whatever you want to be. don’t shy I am here to tell all your dirty little secrets too. I will be waiting xoxoxoxox Nanny Rachel
October 29, 2008


Redheads have all the fun, it’s true.  Think of a redhead you know, they are quirky, witty, outlandish, outspoken, versitile, and funny.  I am all that and a Mommy too for the ABDL community.  Come spend some time with me on the phone, and find out for yourself. Maggy 1 888 430 2010
October 28, 2008

Spookies Are A Comin'

It’s that time of year again, when all the goolies and spookies and witchies come out to play. What will you be doing this upcoming Friday night? I would love to hear about it, IM me at [email protected] and tell me all about it 🙂 . I would love to hear what your plans are. Have a safe and Happy Halloween! Mommy Liz
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