September 25, 2008

A long time in diapers

     I don’t normally make my abie spend an incredibly long time in wet and or messy diapers. Every now and then though I push it, we go longer and longer. A lot of our play is on a mental level so I love getting in and messing with his head. Like locking hi in plastic pants and then saying “I just might never ever let you out of these” He knows I wouldn’t do it, but the thought has him horrified. That bottom lips comes out and he whimpers. […]
September 11, 2008

Your little foot fetish

     I know you have a foot fetish. I have noticed on a few occasions, missing stockings and socks. Then Mommy caught you; you didn’t think anyone saw you. Mommy saw you playing with her socks, and rubbing your cock with them. Now you are standing here denying it, with a big bulge in your pants. So I smile and slowly take off my shoes.   Mommy Scarlet
September 4, 2008

Potty Control

      I rediscovered an old interest recently. Potty control, I am not sure if that is the ‘name’ for it, but it is what I call it. What it is is me letting an abie go to the bathroom/potty/diaper but only on my command. They may be forced to hold it, and I may be merciful. Of course there are punishments if they wet. Then there is the fun of ‘accidentally’ leading them to messing up.   Mommy Scarlet  
August 28, 2008

Riddles and Jokes

You walk into a barber shop, there are two barbers. One of the barbers has messy hair and the other has very well cut hair, who do you chose? You have 2 coins that equal 30cents. One of the coins is not a nickel…what are the coins? (yes they’re american money) A guy walks into a bar and says “Ouch”. There are these two guys walking down the street, one with a lab and the other with a chihuahua. The first guy says to the other guy “lets go grab […]
August 15, 2008

Where are all my AB/DLs

One of my favorite things about being a step sister is babysitting my little Ab brothers and sisters and making them try on girlie clothes and hair ribbons. I just moved from Florida to Northern California and it’s a whole other world out here. Now I’m trying to refind all my little brothers and sisters 🙁 Come find me! *Mandy* 1888-430-2010
August 8, 2008

Oh Mandy

So, I was surfing youtube out of boredom and I came across a video by Westlife called ‘Mandy’. It’s an accurate song, it says ‘Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking’ and it’s true! You can come to me and I will give without taking 🙂 Unless you want me to, tee hee. *Mandy* 1888-430-2010
July 28, 2008

Back from the Fetish Convention

Hello my loves.  My apologies for not writing earlier, but your Nurse Betty has been very busy.  Hopefully you will forgive your favorite Nurse. I just returned from a Fetish Convention where I attended several Medical Fetish seminars (with equally delightful demonstrations) .  Oh sweet things – I can not wait to try out some of the techniques I learned with you.  Write to me and we’ll schedule a play date.  Or, better yet call me.  Why wait? Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 430-2010 […]
June 9, 2008


                    Nurse Betty likes cozy intimate chats with my abie patients in private. Unlike many of the other nurses who are either too strict or too busy, I  always finds the time to listen and to please. Yes you can stroke my stockinged leg. All the way up to my panties if you like.  I’ll let you tease me through them, but maybe I’ll  draw the line at letting you pull […]
June 2, 2008


              Do you remember when you were a small infant? How blissful that was! Not a care in the world. Now you can regain that bliss by being one of the many adult babies wearing diapers.  I’m a Mommy and a Nurse so I know how to pamper my babies.  Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 430-2010 Add “PhoneNurseBetty” to YAHOO Messenger and tell me your naughty secrets  Â
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