June 24, 2011

Naughty Nanny!

If Mommy only knew what goes on when she leaves her little abie at Nanny Ella’s Nursery! Nanny loves to play naughty with little abies. Come sit on my lap, sweety. I’ll snuggle you and cuddle you while you nuzzle into my chest. I’m going to unbutton my blouse and open the front so you can press your warm cheek against my soft tits and find my nipple with that sweet, wet little mouth. It feels so good that it gets me thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts and when […]
June 16, 2011

Mommy’s breastfed boy

I just find it so cute when adult babies need their ab mommies. So many of the things that you need are just what a real baby would need from their Mommy. One way I get to feel super close to you little abies is when Mommy cuddles you up and feeds you from her breast. The sparkle in your eyes while you’re latched onto your Mommy’s nipple makes my heart flutter. So you can just imagine how much I get excited when my adult baby callers need breast milk […]
June 7, 2011

ab Mommy’s playtime

  I’ve put my abie boy in diapers and into his crib and now it is ab Mommy‘s playtime. Someone is being naughty though and has slipped out of their crib and into their Mommy’s doorway. You aren’t supposed to see Mommy laying on her tummy in bed and rubbing her special toy over her panties and her butt. Once I bathed you and got you diapered you were supposed to sleep for Mommy so she could have some time to herself. There you are though rubbing the front of […]
June 2, 2011

ABDL Mommy to Care for you.

Are you an adult baby boy who has no Mommy to care for you? That is so sad and breaks my heart! I am an ABDL Mommy who loves to care for adult babies such as yourself. I am very nurturing and am not at all afraid of a wet stinky poop filled diaper! I love to breastfeed my adult babies, to nurse them when they are ill, to make their tummies feel better with a potent enema, and most of all to encourage you to fill those diapers with […]
May 24, 2011

scared sissy

I hate for my sissy baby to get frightened. You should know Mommy is close by and will not let anything bad happen to her sissy baby. These spring storms can be loud and go boom all day long but Mommy is here. Just as I thought you would you went peepee in your cloth diapers when you heard that thunder. It’s OK though, we’ll get baby cleaned up and fresh again. Then you can come lay in Mommy’s arms and drift off to sleep as the lightening lights up […]
April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

    Don’t you just love Easter?  I love getting my special Easter dress and of course all that Easter candy and Baskets from everyone including the Easter Bunny!!  I just know my Daddy has a special Easter Basket for me stuffed full of chocolate and jelly beans and all the Marshmallow Peeps I can eat. I hope everyone has a great day Tomorrow all dressed up in their easter best and super cute Bonnets…Welcome Spring!! Baby Betsy loves ABDL and all sorts of Ageplay 888-430-2010
April 15, 2011

Nanny’s Secret Tricks

I took care of a darling adult baby today. I was keeping an eye on the little guy while his Mommy was off on a date. He was so cute and sweet and we had a lot of fun until it started to get late and it was time for beddy-bye. ~ He didn’t seem to understand why his Mommy wasn’t home yet. “What’s Mommy doing with that man?” he kept asking? I comforted him, telling him they would be back before long but he was a curious one. I […]
March 16, 2011

Diaper Changes

Its hard sometimes to find a quiet place to change a baby’s diaper because as we all know they wiggle and squirm. Babies one thing about them are not still no matter what you try to entertain them with while you are attending to their needs. But one thing is for sure when you get them all cleaned and diapered up they are back to being that happy little baby. Lily
March 6, 2011

Mommy son sex

Mommy loves her boy and since Daddy is no longer around it is time for him to learn his role as the man of the house. Mommy will be making many visits to your room in the wee hours of the night. I know you have always wanted to fuck your mommy. Mommy knows you have been having strange urges and that you need some guidance. Some mommy son sex is what you need. Mommy is here for you, I will teach you all about those naughty little feelings, my […]
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