June 4, 2011

Poopiest Diaper Ever!

So I have had some constipation problems and so I took some new formula laxative pill I bought from the local new earth store. So there I am in my favorite diaper from AB Universe and I am sitting there in my purple diaper , like other diaper girls do just kick in back chatting in chartrooms and on yahoo and omg I just poop! My diaper fills up! It was like omg what just happened, it was like a burst and explosion LOL. I tell you it was such […]
June 3, 2011

Water Play

  It’s such a gorgeous day outside!  I thought we could go outside and I would turn on the sprinkler to play in.  We’ll get you down to just your diapy, and you and I can run and jump and play in the sprinkler as it moves from one side to the next – dancing together in the make shift rain as it falls gently around us.  I so enjoy watching you have fun and laughing, and nothing is cuter then seeing a heavy diaper hang low on an adult […]
May 25, 2011


Did baby make a messy in his diapee? Oh that is ok mommy is here and willing to clean that up for you.  So let Mommy Josie clean your little tushie up and give a little powder to his bit-bits and shower you with lots of love.   Allow me time to show you how the babies really deserve to be loved and treated.
May 24, 2011

scared sissy

I hate for my sissy baby to get frightened. You should know Mommy is close by and will not let anything bad happen to her sissy baby. These spring storms can be loud and go boom all day long but Mommy is here. Just as I thought you would you went peepee in your cloth diapers when you heard that thunder. It’s OK though, we’ll get baby cleaned up and fresh again. Then you can come lay in Mommy’s arms and drift off to sleep as the lightening lights up […]
May 21, 2011


Oh how I do love to take care of all my little ones…nanny loves when she gets to spend that quality time with her little ones to make sure that they are in a clean diaper and dressed to go and explore the world….now that the weather is nice…we can go for those long walks or to the park…nanny loves to see her little ones play and explore that big world around them…oh that is ok…nanny will make sure that you are safe and dry…Rachel…1-888-430-2010
May 16, 2011

sister ab sitter

Listen, I know you never expected Mom to ask me to babysit you, but she did. I’m not thrilled about it either because I’m supposed to be having a slumber party girl’s night. My friends are still coming over too, so deal with it. Just look at it this way there will be more girls around to change your diaper. You will be wearing your diapers, because Mom said you keep wetting your bed and wetting your pants. I’m not going to clean all of that up so as soon […]
May 14, 2011

diapers for you

Are you a little guy who seems to keep having accidents in his pants and in bed? I think if you are that you really need a Mommy to sit you down and tell you that it’s time for you to go back in diapers. You might try to protest and complain but Mommy has to be firm with you and tell you that you’re wearing diapers and that’s all there is to it so accept it. We can take a trip to pick out some diapers for you to […]
May 14, 2011

Dress up time

Now that I have your attention…I love to play dress up and make you my little sissy…now let’s go up to my special room….don’t be afraid I will be gentle….as I slowly open the door I see the fear in your eyes…oh no you exclaimed there is no way I will wear that…oh yes you will…then I undress you and start to try on one of the many outfits that I have set out…you start to blush because you’re enjoying this special one on one time with me…then there is […]
May 8, 2011


  I’ve recently been having my abie pose as a diaper model for me. It’s only for Mommy so you won’t see any of the pics of him in his adult diapers. It’s taken him some time to get comfortable with it and know that it’s what Mommy wants. He has never refused to do it, he just gets so shy it’s actually very cute. Since I started being a phone Mommy I have seen some of the cutest ab diaper models that I talk to as well. Some of […]
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