February 25, 2011


We really do know best! So what is a litte boy to do? There is only one thing to do Phone a Mommy today and get instructed on how to be a good boy to me. So my horny little ABDL, you need some over due Mommy son sex play I know you do, so diaper up and pick up the phone. Mommy Sara is waiting to play with you. Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
February 21, 2011

adult diaper changes

I think that it’s getting to be that time again honey. It seems like someone needs their diaper changed soon. Now who could it be that needs their adult diapers changed? It’s you baby! Let’s make sure that we have all of the things we need to change that diaper. Baby, diaper, wipes,powder,ointment, mommy yes, I think we have it all. Now here in just a moment you’ll be clean and fresh won’t you? . Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010 for erotic diaper changing
February 20, 2011

Diaper Domination!

I babysit for BabyJacob every Saturday night. He is a real pill, as my mother would say. Just always into trouble of some sort. But I finally put my foot down. His Mommy just let him run ramped too long so I had no choice but to reintroduce diapers to him & force him into regression. So last night was his first forced treatment. It was intense to say the least. He is a handful, but I must say he took real well to submitting I had him diapered in […]
February 17, 2011

Breastfeeding Fetish

Mommy Lauren loves to cuddle you my little ABDL. I know you are hungry sweetpea, so let mommy open up her blouse and breastfeed my little one. You get so excited, dont you? Awww, that is so cute. Mommy loves how excited you get at the sight of her full breast. Thats it now just latch on sweetpea, Mommy will let you suckle to your hearts content and till you feel all tingly down in that diaper *laughs* I know you going to full that diaper now arent you sweetpea? […]
February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day from Mommy

I hope that each and every one of you has a nice valentines Day. If you’re like me and not a huge Hearts day fan then it’s not that big of a day, but I hope it’s a good one whether you’re all for it or over it. Consider yourselves hugged and kissed from me to you. In other news it’s going to be a good valentines day for one of my sissies. I’ve been working with him and trying to help him get over his fears of being diapered […]
February 12, 2011

Hearts and Diapers

You think that the two don’t go together? You would be wrong! When I make you into my diaper boy, you will see how right I am. I will have you prance around in those cute little heart decorated diapers, forced to show them off to all my friends. I know what you are thinking “No way, no way am I getting into sissy diapers” *laughs wickedly* but Guess Again! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
February 12, 2011

Oh mommy…..

Ok to all my little ones I know that with springl and the upcoming nice weather that you will be needing those personal touches to make sure those diapers are fresh and clean. Well if you wish to know I love to make all my little ones fresh and clean with the special touches that I can add…So you’re asking yourself now what do I mean. Well I have a special room with your name on the door waiting for you to come so I can get in to my […]
February 6, 2011

Uh-oh, I Smell Something …

~ My, oh my – what is that that I smell?  My Abie went and made a messy in his diapy, didn’t he? And right after I told him not to, no less.  Aby is supposed to tell mommy when he has to go poopy, isn’t he?  You know mommy doesn’t allow baby to go messies in his diapy, don’t you!  Now my little one is going to need a changing, but not until he gets a firm spanking!  No whining, or you’ll have to sit in the corner with […]
February 2, 2011

going smooth

You may have a preference for how you like the hair (or lack of hair) in your diaper area already. If you are one of the ones with hair in your diaper area I invite you to at least try it without. Who knows you may just find that you really love how it feels. What I suggest is to run a warm bath and soak soak and soak some more. Really soften the hairs up in the bath. Then use a shaving cream or gel for sensitive skin and […]
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