March 28, 2010

Tea Party

With all this rain we’ve been having lately, I’ve been thinking that it’s a perfect time for a tea party. I’ll dress you up in the cutest little dress, complete with a big, floppy hat and a feathery boa. We’ll wear white, lacy gloves, and no outfit is complete without pearls of course. And for a special treat, I’ll be inviting over all your friends as well as a few of the mommies! Now mind your manners – pinkies out, napkins in your lap, and no slurping. Such a good […]
March 26, 2010

Be Careful

  Be careful what you stuff in your diapers. Wouldn’t this kind of backfire be terrible? I have seen some hot bottoms after they got spanked really well, but none flaming like this. Even the naughtiest of abies get some reprieve. So stay safe and behave and maybe you can avoid something like this happening to you. If not be sure to remember safety procedures.   Mommy Scarlet
March 25, 2010

Nanny says

Oh so you were wondering if you should do that or not….well nanny says you better think long and hard before you act up and do something that will get you into trouble….we don’t want to get in trouble do we…nanny will need to get her paddle out of the closet and do what she must then….so remember nanny knows all and will know if your a good boy or not….so you better behave and think about what your doing….since you don’t want nanny to give you a spanking or […]
March 20, 2010

Wet Diaper Contest

I was thinking, they have wet T-shirt contests, why not a wet diaper contest? All diapers could be weighed before they are put on. Then contestants are given two hours to get their diaper as wet as they are able (in ‘baby’ fashion only). At the end of the time limit, they would then parade, in pageant form, showing off how wet their diaper is and how far it sags down. And of course they would then be changed in front of everyone (so everyone could see that was no […]
March 20, 2010

So you want me to diaper you?

Mommy Sara loves to diaper her babies. There is such a special bond that is created when a Mommy diapers her baby. I so much enjoy the process of changing a diaper, the facial expressions, the smells, the touch and playful act. I know that we would all prefer to be changed in person, but sometimes this just isn’t a possibility and that’s where me and my other loving mommies here at phone a mommy come in and know this that we truly care about our babies and just wish […]
March 18, 2010

Oh so cute…

Oh so cute is what I thought…after nap time…I allowed some playtime….got them all dressed up and allowed them to play with all the new toys I purchased at the store….oh they had so much fun at my house when they were over for their visit…so can you imagine yourself at my house for a few weeks….oh we could have so much fun…dressing you up like a baby and then going out to purchase toys that you love to play with…oh my I can see it now…come play with me….Rachel […]
March 12, 2010

His First Period

  Somehow I think this guy will be waiting a while to get his period. I do talk to sissies who like to pretend that they have gotten theirs and Mommy helps them through it. I don’t mind, afterall you can only learn so much from reading Judy Blume right? I like looking over at DailyHAHA and having a few giggles. This one made me think of the sissies I have played with that playfully asked a similar question.   Mommy Scarlet
March 11, 2010

Mission possible

Attention all my AB/DL’s I have a mission for you this coming week Well do you want to know…what I want you to do…well I hope you can accomplish it for my sake. I want you to put that diaper on and go out into public….underneath your clothes of course silly, hehehe and go out to the local grocery store or maybe to a local restaurant. I want you to wander if they can hear the crinkle of my diaper as I walk past or maybe they smell that powder […]
March 9, 2010


I know you like to draw on anything and everything you see but sometimes you just can’t do that you know so granny minnie looked around the stores for something that would come off when you start drawing on the floors walls the bathroom even the tub. Yes i know you want to be a artist someday but just not on my furniture and walls and even see some on that cute bottom of yours laughing just not sure how you got to the back part of your diaper on […]
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