March 7, 2010

Hide –n- Seek

Mommy loves to play games with her little babies, after my little one’s face turns all shades of red pooping and filling that diaper he looks to Mommy and gets this crazy idea that it is suddenly time for a game. A game of hide -n- seek no less. He takes off running away from me and I chase after him, Oh what fun we have together. And when Mommy catches baby he will get kisses and a sweet diaper change. Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
March 7, 2010

Taking Care Of You

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m the evil babysitter. It’s what I am and what I do, BUT I do have a soft side….on occasion. I mean not all of you are bad are you? I didn’t think so, but who knows maybe you are. Which is fine by me, but I have to say, it’s nice to get a call from a good boy or girl once in awhile, so I don’t have to be so strict and discipline all the time. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
March 4, 2010

a true friend

  People on the phone and online ask me all of the time if my friends know what I am into or what I do (being a phoneamommy). Some of them do, and the ones I can trust with that are my true friends. It’s not so much that I think the others would hate me for it, but they are a bit close minded and may not understand and therefore judge. I am sure you all have friends like that, like both actually. I used to think that if […]
March 3, 2010

Am I the only one….

So am I the only one…who thinks that men belong in diapers…..well I know there are lots of other mommy’s out there that feel the same way as I do….that having men in diapers allows me to take total control and make them my little pets….that is what I said my little pet….begging me for affection and attention…mmmm….good boy…I know you will behave yourself or else suffer what mommy may have in store for you if you don’t be a good little one….so go to it and put on that […]
February 25, 2010

sissy Karin

Sissy Karin’s first diapers were a few women’s pads stuffed inside of her panties. She was very afraid of going to buy diapers and the pads were easy to snag and get away with. Even after she finally tried diapers, she still liked to sometimes use pads like boosters. So I sent Sissy Karin out on a Kotex mission to get herself some feminine boosters to wear inside of her diapers. Part of her assignment was to go all girly when she got them also. I’m so proud of her […]
February 24, 2010

Are you a big boy now

So you used the potty the other day…wow Nanny is so proud of you….you tried to wipe but we will work on that…hehehe….so proud fo you…all I keep thinking about is going out and purchasing some of those wonderful pull ups…so I can watch you use the big potty now…there you go….such a big boy/girl….nanny loves to see you try to be oh so big…but that is ok if you had an accident Nanny will still help you get all cleaned up and ready to go out….then we can go […]
February 21, 2010

How are you today? How are those diapers doing? Wet? Does baby need a change? I can see you sitting there, diaper bulky, wet between your legs, you just playing away, unaware of how wet you really are. You smile at me from across the room, and I smile back. Come to me little one and let’s take care of that diapie! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
February 17, 2010

Snow Day

All this time on your hands and don’t know what you should do…well Nanny has the perfect plan….have mommy and daddy give me a call to set up a time to have me come over and take care of the little ones….mmmm….do you say….yeah Nanny does love to take care of all her little ones and make sure that mommy and daddy have their own special time out….baby will like to have a special visit would he not….so let mommy and daddy know that you will be just fine under […]
February 13, 2010

Sweet Wishes!

To all my babies and all the visitors, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day! Filled with Flowers, Candy, and Someone Special to share it with! Drop by and say hello to us in chat and be sure to wish your Mommy A Happy Day Too! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
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