February 10, 2010

Nice and Warm

Good day to all my little ones…so are you keeping warm through these winter months….I hope so….are you wearing your pj’s with feet….oh I love them so much….they will keep you oh so warm….Nanny has been keeping busy with making sure that all of her little ones are staying dry and warm the last few months….especially since we have another 6weeks of winter…oh no you say…I know but Nanny will keep you nice and warm….especially during nap time….she will wrap you in her nice warm blankie and hold you nice […]
February 3, 2010

Good Boy

Wow I love this photo….it is very direct and tells you exactly what you need to do….so get that diaper bag over there for me and allow me to get you prepared…..yes that is what I said….go do it now or else….good boy….now undress and lay down so I can put this nice clean diaper on you….oh you look oh so cute there….nanny loves to take care of all her little ones and make sure that they are kept in line….so remember that all little ones should be in a […]
January 30, 2010

Oh no….

See I told you that you better behave or else….now that Daddy came home….I am going to tell him all about your disrespectfulness and how you did not listen to Nanny….I gave you plenty of chances to obey me but you thought that you could do what you wanted without consequences…well guess again….now do as I say….go and tell Daddy everything that you did today that you were not suppose to do….don’t worry if you forget something I have it all written down and will make sure that I also […]
January 14, 2010

Locked in Chastity

”It’s such a shame that you are locked up in that chastity belt. Well since you can’t touch it anyway you might as well be diapered and kept in those also. “. Does that sound like something you would like to hear from your significant other? In my opinion locking up my diaper boy’s pee pee is a great way to keep him in line and behaving for Mommy. Even the most strong willed abies become pretty darn sweet when the threat of orgasm denial comes up.   Mommy Scarlet
January 7, 2010

Sammy’s Potty Training

A very sweet little boy who goes by Sammy called Mommy not long ago. We have talked a few times before and usually it was about Mommy putting him back into diapers for being a poppy pants baby. He told Mommy he thought he was ready to be a big boy again, but might still need diapers at night and during his naps. I was so proud of Sammy when he kept his pull up dry and clean for me. So as a reward Mommy decided to paint his favorite […]
December 24, 2009

spanked over the knee

Hmmm don’t you kind of wonder what this man did to get put over her knee in front of all of those women? Maybe you were too busy thinking “why not me?” to even consider what he did wrong. I like to think that he had an accident in his pants and was just getting spanked before she stuck him back into thick diapers right there in that room. The desk would make a fine changing table, and then all of the women could stand around while she did it. […]
December 23, 2009

Special purchase

He was so surprised when mommy came home from shopping….had found a new bed for him to sleep in at night…at first he was shocked since he was so use to sleeping with mommy in her bed…but big boys need to try to sleep in their own beds….told him for naps he would need to sleep in his own bed but he still did not like…tried everything to please little one but all he did was make mommy upset…don’t you be a bad little one…mommy will need to make that […]
December 19, 2009

A Mothers Love

What a sweet image of Rudolph and his Mother. A Mothers love is strong, binding, and enduring. No matter how bad you’ve been all year, Mommy still loves you! So snuggle up with your Mommies this Christmas Eve and wait for Santa with her. Let Mommy change that diapey, feed you and tuck you in to wait for Santa. Perhaps if we are lucky will catch a sight of Rudolph and the other reindeer’s! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
December 17, 2009

Chritmas memories

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is looking over ornaments as I hang them on the tree. Some were mine when I was a child, and some belong to other members of my family. Then there are some I have gotten recently. One of my favorite ornaments was one my Mom gave me that used to hang on her tree. It was a Rocking Horse that looks a lot like this one. It’s nice to see it on my tree now after hanging it at home for […]
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