November 19, 2009

Snow Angel

I opened up my e-mail today and found this picture. Can’t say that I have ever seen a snow angel quite like this.  Don’t you think someone could use at least a diaper though? Mommy could take him in and get him warmed up and then powdered and into a thick cloth diaper. Our snow angel would be much happier then I would guess. It’s nothing a little bottle of warm milk and diapers couldn’t fix. My vote is for them to keep the halo and wings though. Scarlet
November 18, 2009

Little Wetty Davey

Davey came to class unprepared. I told him of my disappointment in him and he just put his head down and said nothing. I brought all the other adult babies out for recess as he was made to stand by my side and not allowed to play. He became so upset that he wet his pants. Therefore, when we went back inside I decided he needed a punishment. I made him stand and face the chalkboard in his wet pants while I conducted my next lesson. Now the other kids […]
November 14, 2009

The Season of Giving!

While all us Mommies add more to our wish list and all you babies write your list for Santa, let us not forget those who may not be as fortunate as us this Holiday Season. Every Year your Mommy Rebecca partakes in helping the Salvation Army prepare meals for Thanks Giving and buys gifts for the local Fire Department Toy Drive. So here is a great site I wanted to share with you in helping you find the right charity organization. Just visit this site and see if there is […]
November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday

Sunny day – Sweepin’ the clouds away, On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street. Come and play, everything’s A-OK Friendly neighbors there that’s where we meet Can you tell me how to get How to get to Sesame Street It’s a magic carpet ride.  Every door will open wide. Happy people like you.  Happy people who. Like a beautiful sunny day sweepin’ the clouds away On my way to where the air is sweet Can you tell […]
November 1, 2009

Locked Away

I’ve come to realize there are times that one has to resort to more drastic matters. When trying to teach little ones that they are no longer allowed to use the potty like a big boy (which they have clearly shown that they are not), or having to keep little ones hands out of their diaper, then a pair of locking pants is the ideal solution. And if one has to sit in a wet and messy diaper for a given length of time, these will keep them securely on […]
October 26, 2009

I Think

The reason Halloween is my favorite Holiday is because everyone is free to participate and because we are free to be whom ever we so choose. I wish you all a Happy Halloween with lots of treats! But don’t forget to let your mommy check you candy! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
October 22, 2009

A Hauntingly Good Tale!

Gather round my phone a mommy friend’s, I have a tale to tell. About a journey we shall make, if you are so compelled. Listen up and follow me, deep into the woods, now don’t be frightened my friend, my pal, for Mommy Sara will be your guide. Just hold my hand, tightly now, keeping close at Mommies side. Quickly, let us follow the trail up around the bend, past the brook, down the hill to where the gravel ends. Slowly, the next jaunt will be steep, Shhhhhhh…… danger is […]
October 17, 2009

Diaper Genie

I have found that the diaper genie rarely grants wishes, this poor guy has yet to figure this out! Perhaps he should just learn to take the diaper pale out each time it becomes full, spray some Lysol and be done with it. I thought the picture was cute regardless and wanted to share, but rest a sure my little ones, Mommy always takes empties the diaper pale and cleans thoroughly, I never rely on Genies to do the work. Mommy Sara 1 8888 430 2010
October 15, 2009

Who would you be?

What’s your all time favorite oldie? I would say mine is Gilligan’s Island. If I were to be any character on that show I would think I would be Maryann. I think they would all look sooo cute in a nappy! Mostly, Maryann and Gilligan. Who do you think better represents you? The professor? Gilligan? the Millionaire? Or maybe you were more of a Brady Bunch fan? Who would you have been Greg? Peter? Or Bobbie? I would love to play Carol Brady and have fun with my three boys! […]
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