October 11, 2009

Meet Mrs. Pee and Mr. Poo

They are here to say hello to you, they are part of our everyday lives, they fill your diaper, with a big surprise. they play a very important role, they keep us healthy, and they most certainly never complain, but don’t every you worries, Cause Mommies love to change! Now just look at them, aren’t they sweet, like Mr and Mrs Clause, They bring us such a treat. Because bonding is what they bring, between Mommies and her babes, They work so hard to be on time, yet again they […]
October 2, 2009

New Panties

Check out the new panties I got. Are they not the best panties ever!! Now I usually do disposables but on occasion I like to play in cloth. And who could pass these up? I know a certain lil sissy who will be very happy to see these also. If she is a very good girl, maybe mommy will give them to her. Mommy Josie
October 1, 2009

Sweet As Pie

Many many sissy babies call me. And I have to say that I love and adore each and every one. I spend so much time with lovely sissies that sometimes they are all I speak to on any given day. Which is 100% fine with me. I love to play dress up, and have tea parties, and take them to the salon with Mommy to get their hair done and nails. They are sweet as pie 🙂 . I’m southern and I know pie! lol Liz 1-888-430-2010
September 23, 2009

Mommies Time Out!

Some days Mommies need a time out too! Why you say? Just take a peek at what your Mommy does all day. Saving, scraping, scrubbing, changing, wiping, buying, stocking, bathing, rocking, sweeping, cooking, singing, watching, washing, wringing, knitting, spanking, nursing, loving, feeding, reading, writing, slaving, working, playing, shopping, baking, banking, wrapping, dressing, mowing, planting, planing, strolling, outings, checking, replying, screaming, chasing, beckoning, correcting, solving, whipping, soothing, dusting, mopping, pampering, praising, cheering, cleaning, keeping, sorting, kneading, teaching, listening, coaching, carrying, cuddling, protecting, scolding, preaching, disciplining, spoiling, training, dressing, helping, guiding, gluing, […]
September 18, 2009

Adult baby humiliation

It’s a lot of fun diapering you up and forcing you to live as my baby. It’s time to take it to the next step though. Expose baby to other Mommies. I’m going to make you ultra adorable to make sure you get all of the attention you deserve. Now you’re in thick cloth diapers and very bright blue plastic pants. Don’t you just look like Mommy’s little waddle wormy? It’s going to be hard walking through the library like that though, but I don’t want you to miss story […]
September 12, 2009

Diapie Cover

mmmmmm.  Ice cream cone hiney. *giggle* I think this is so cutsie.  Isn’t it? I would love for a nice Daddy to put me in this before tucking me in for ni ni’s.  I think I would look adorable in it.  Don’t you? *giggle*  I love mi diapies.  I haves so manys.  I just need a call from you to help me feel like the precious girl that I am.  Me lovies yous bunches! Cali 1-888-430-2010
September 12, 2009

Diaper Duty

Okay I’m ready. Got the diapers, the powder, the wipes, the bottle, the formula, the lotion, the onesie, the blanket, and the paci. I’m all ready for you. I have everything I need for an evening of babysitting you. But do you know what I’m missing? I’m missing you sweetie. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
September 12, 2009

Retro Mommy

I enjoy the way women dressed in the 40’s – 60’s . There is something very very sexy and appealing about it. When women knew how to be women. They always wore dresses and hats and gloves when they went out. They held themselves with grace and class. I look back at my Mom’s and Grandmere’s photos and I think they look so beautiful. What do you think? Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
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