February 7, 2009


I long to live in the world of Fantasy! I think Peter Pan would be one of my favorite stories cause I just never want to grow up! Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
February 5, 2009

Play Time with Mommy Lauren

Mommy Lauren’s Specialties: Pampering – ABDL – Cloth Diapers – Nursing – Coddling Good morning my precious little darlings I have been oh so busy working on my new playroom. Mommy Lauren has lot’s and lot’s of special suprises for you and I cant wait to play! Why dont you come sit on my lap with a soft, warm blankie and take your milk that you love so much? I’m always ready to feed my darling angels it makes me so happy to see my milk dribble down your cute […]
February 5, 2009

Your Secret

Wouldn't it be great to have one and be put into diapers, making you stay in them until you made a huge poopy mess?
February 1, 2009

Tea Time

Cum little one let’s get you ready for our guest. We have to put some panties and a training bra on you and put you in this frilly dress. That’s my little sissy come and help Mommy serve tea. Won’t you do a little dance for our guest dear? Make sure to give us a glimpse of those panties. You are making Mommy so hot watching you do your little spins and showing off your cute little diapered bottom. Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
January 29, 2009

Bad Baby

Did Mommy’s bad baby upset TinkerBell? You must have upset her. Look at her she is mad about something. Did Mommy’s bad baby get into Mommy’s pantie drawer again? It is time for bad baby to get spankings from Mommy. Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
January 22, 2009

Mommy Magic

Mommy has magic for adult babies, sissies and diaper lovers. Yes she does. Mommy makes you feel all tingly inside and out. *giggles* Diaper changes, a loving voice, spankings, humiliation, frilly clothing, and lots more. If you want to just talk Mommy has a magic ear just for you. She will sprinkle you with her magic dust, or wave her magic wand, and you will be transformed to a magical world where anything is possible.   Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
January 22, 2009

valentine's day pretties

I am looking around for something pretty to order and wear for Valentine’s Day. I haven’t ordered any new lingerie in awhile so I am having fun seeing all of the nice things. Honestly, I am usually looking for this stuff for my abie hehe so. I am sure though that I will find the right thing. Don’t you just wonder what all of the mommies will be wearing to celebrate Valentine’s Day?   Mommy Scarlet
January 15, 2009

A Sissy Tea party

With the weather all chilly (at least here) I am drinking more hot teas. What fun it would be to have a Sissy Tea party. I was thinking the other day as I sipped my green tea, about having a beautiful sissy to serve it to me, and have some friends over. I have been to events like that before, but not in a long time.  It just might be time to host one.   Mommy Scarlet  
January 14, 2009


Cousins, how could you live without us really? We’re there for you, we’ll change your diapers for you, we’ll laugh with you, we’ll laugh at you…*giggles*. We’ll play with you, we’ll babysit you. Most of all we’ll always be here for you. We’re here when you need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or some encouragement. Of course we’re always willing to poke fun at you too. Go on, say the word. We’re listening! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
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