May 30, 2013

Diaper Humiliation

Some of you like to be humilated as far as your diapers goes some consider it a type of diaper punishment.How would you like to be put on display in front of thousand of people like these people were for all the world and your love ones and friends neighbors to see. That you wear those diapers in secret that you enjoy them and your not giving them up for anyone no matter what they say or do to you they are apart of you and always will be.Even put on public display as these people were.Think this is something you would enjoy oh i think so i can see it in those eyes as you think about how it would really turn you on to know i would humiliate you in such a manner Minnie 1.888.430.2010
May 13, 2013

abdl mommy loves her phoneson

Abdl mommy loves her phoneson he lives to please his beautiful phonemommy by behaving and keeping up on his chores. There are times how ever where my phoneson does not behave, he get’s very naughty for example mommy caught him with his little hands down his diaper. I thought”No you do not get to do that unless mommy gives you permission.” So mommy took this schemeing little thing across her knee and let him have a good 5 hard spankings. He said” Sorry I will not mis behave again I love you mommy I wanna be your good well behaved boy! “Good luck little one” I said. Crissy 1*888*430*2010
April 19, 2013

In Denial

Try as he might he could no longer denial he was a big baby faggot  he tried so hard to say he wasn’t but all the proof that anyone needs is here in the picture.Even says  he doesn’t wear diapers but pfft guess what he has on.Are you a baby in denial not admitting to anyone that you are just a big sissy baby like this one is that loves to suck his thumb wet his diapers and sometimes even messes in them i just bet you are sitting there shaking your head as you read about this sissy baby that was in denial and now its  out there where everyone knows that he is a sissy  baby faggot.Just take a look around the room your sitting in by time your eyes meet back the point you started from even in those hidden places you have hidden diapers,bottles, nipples,baby wipes,powders,lotion just anything that you have that a baby would use if you have that in your place then guess what you are a sissy baby. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
April 1, 2013

rock a bye abie

Having the most fun ever with your phonemommy consists of 1-listening very intently to her rules. 2-Giving her anything & everything she needs from you. Above all make absolute sure that you smile while you are with your mommy even if that means keeping your ab diaper filled or dry. Never forget if you give your phonemommy a great time then she will give you that in return. Sweet adult baby would look even better in mommy’s arm’s right now being rocked to sleep. Carefully mommy would wrap you in a comfy blankie and then she would hold you while she sang lullabye night night songs to you as you drift off to dreamland. XXXXX Crissy 1*888*430*2010
March 31, 2013

Pink Shoes

Baby girl just had to try on my Pink Shoes but they were a perfect fit for the baby girl i was so surprised she danced all over the floor showing off that she could wear grandma’s shoes we laughed and danced together we had so much fun but then it was time for a diaper change and that baby girl really looks forward to having that done.Well sometimes she does then there is times that she likes to play this game of hide and seek then i close my eyes while she hides then i go in search of her by the time i do find her she has really got a soggy diaper. Minnie 1.888.430.2010
March 18, 2013

abie breastfeeding mommy

abie breastfeeding mommy When he comes over in his trench coat & diaper he is always eager to suckle at my round milk engorged nipples. I put on my special nursing bra that has openings where my nipples are so abie can get right to them when ever he nees too. He gets such a big smile on his face when he gets ready to have his Mommy milk time. He latches right on with his fingers caressing my breast giving me little quivers in my panties as he starts to drink from me. Mommy milk does an abie body so good it will maybe even make you grow big like your daddy. Crissy 1*888*430*2010
March 17, 2013

Mean Mommy

You think i am such a sweet mommy don;t you but you soon find out that is not the case.Dropped off thinking that you would get to do anything and whatever you want right guess what you are very wrong and soon find that out.When left in the care of Victoria its over the knee spankings,left in wet diapers or messy if i desire not too thrilled at changing messy ones so i guess that will stay on you until your other mommy or granny shows up.Diaper rash pfft you will be just fine here is a tube of rash meds i am sure you can stick your hand in there and rub some on lol since that is where your hands stay most of the time right.Oh did i also mention the fact i have a time out chair also. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
March 12, 2013

Back in Diapers

There was this little tiny fellow that loved wearing his big boy underwear so much,because it made him feel so big and important but thing was he just couldn’t make to the big boy potty in time he was always wetting his big boy underwear i kept warning him time and time again but he just didn’t or wouldn’t listen to me.I told him one more time and it was back to diapers for him. So out to play he goes i am watching from my kitchen window as he swings and plays in the sandbox with his cars and trucks and shovels and buckets he kepts out thing i know here he comes making a dive thru the kitchen door granny i am wet i am so sorry guess what happened to that naughty little boy you got back in diapers he was not too happy he was but he didn’t have a choice either. Now he can go outside and play and not have to worry about all those accidents he was having he can enjoy all the fun of being a big baby which he knew deep down he already was. Minnie 1.888.430.2010
March 11, 2013

adult breastfeeding fantasy

Adult breastfeeding fantasy Little Scotty loves when he goes out to the club & finds a big breasted,slutty blond to take to the bathroom, pull out his little diaper bag slips his diaper on & waits hungrily for his mommy of the night. He asks that slut to pull her top open,she does & her breasts leap from her top Scotty, pounces on her pushing her against the wall as his lips wrap around each nipple suckling. His hard bulge in his diaper pushes into slut’s thigh making her moan even deeper. Oh he can not wait any longer he takes his paci he is holding and rubs it under her skirt. Sleazy little abie he is! Veronika 1 *888*430*2010
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