June 14, 2020

Plastic Lovin’ Little Sissy!

I’ve got one caller, sweet Sissy Baby Judy, that absolutely loves plastic anything when it comes time to dress up. I mean it when I say anything. Everything from the plastic baby bonnet on top of her head to the plastic baby booties. Dresses, elbow length gloves, baby mittens, and definitely can’t forget the plastic diaper covers! The crinklier they are the better they are as far as Judy is concerned. And I have to say that I agree, I love being able to hear her coming down the hallway, […]
June 7, 2020

You Need To Be Turned Into A Sissy Baby

It’s time to get you dressed to go out for the day, little sissy baby. I want you to be so sweet and adorable that all the other mommies will be green with envy! I’m thinking that a pink and white dress with the poofiest little hem is exactly what I want you in, right along with your diaper and a pair of sheer tights. Of course, the dress is short enough to show your diapered sissy bottom to anyone that takes the tiniest glance in your direction. Oh, and […]
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