November 28, 2013

Holiday Traditions

There’s something about sitting around the Holiday table with good food and good people and good conversation; a time to gather and share and laugh and feast on such wonderful food; a time to eat too much and drink too much and get too loud; a time for uncle George to unbutton his pants and tell the kids to pull his finger1; a time for aunt Gertrude to criticize how cousin Sally wears her hair and does her make up and cooked the sweet potatoes this year.  A time for […]
November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving and Diapers

Is everyone excited about turkey day?  So much delicious food to taste and sample… and let’s face it, gorge upon.  Between all the traditional dishes (i.e. turkey, stuffing, corn, sweet potatoes, etc.) and all those new or special family recipes handed down from generation to generation, your stomach will have to stretch beyond its capacity.  And as always, what goes in, must come out.  Now the question is, will what comes out come out TOO easily or with great difficulty? And will there be a long line at the bathroom?  […]
October 28, 2013

messy adult baby

You are a messy adult baby! Why do you insist on running around in a smelly diaper? Mommy will have no choice but to grab you and force you to sit still while I find my diaper bag. Look at how you try to pull off your soiled rubber pants that is not very good for you to stretch them like that. Hop up here on the changing table so I can clean you up. Now you will do what you are told or I will swat that messy ass […]
September 16, 2013

No limits Phone Fun

Are you a panty boi? Do you get all hot and bothered by the silky feel of lace panties and stockings caressing your peepee and balls?  Everyone knows that girly panties are much softer and sexier than any undergarment made for bois. But you like more than that. Does it make you feel submissive?? Does it make you feel slutty? Do those little panties allow you to do things that you would not do in your everyday life? Things maybe people wouldn’t approve of?  Or consider taboo? I want you to […]
September 16, 2013

adult baby mommy nursery rhyme

Adult baby mommy is sweet and sometimes strict. She always know’s what diaper to pick. No matter what her little one wear’s rubber pant’s onsies or plastic under wear. Mommy check’s what’s under there. Powdered bottom’s better beware and mis-behaving swift and hard spanking’s follow without compare. Mommy like’s to cuddle and give baby his bottle. pacifier’s in ever shade. Mommy know’s you need a nap after you’ve played. Come now I see you rub your eye’s just let your stress’s drift to the skies. Mommy will rock you to […]
September 1, 2013

No Limits!

Mommy Ava needs a few young men to have a role play fantasy with. Are you ready to play. I don’t have any limits, I am kinky and wild. And I crave to be touched. I know how to take good care of you. I am caring, and very nurturing, and no one will treat you as good as me. So why don’t you come play with Mommy Ava right now. I know your hard just thinking about my swollen mounds. And my warm mouth that will make you feel […]
August 29, 2013


Once upon a time… Once upon a time there was a sweet and loving Mommy named Gina. Mommy Gina dearly loved adult babies. Her whole house was full of diapered adult babies and sissies and all their wondrous toys. She had one whole room to change their diapers and to powder their cute little tushies – that room was always very very busy! There was another room that was full of nothing but high chairs so she and all her friends could feed the ABies too. And of course there […]
August 12, 2013

regressed and into golden showers

You are just coming in from a long day at work and  I walk in to your living room and pour my magic dust in your face. You start to feel strangely as the dust is shrinking you and making you a baby. You coo and gurgle as you watch me lay you on a towel on the bathroom floor  and then you point to your small cock and I know what that means you need your  golden thrill then I let it go a sweet release all over your […]
July 29, 2013

Diapered in a dungeon

 Diapered in restraints down in my dark  lit femdom dungeon. You take that dildo pacifier nice and slow or I will put you in the rack and stretch your balls till  they are sore! The corporate world you hide in has no idea how much of a worthless loser you really are  perhaps I should invite a few of them down to my dungeon for drinks and a round of pin the tail on the diaper sissy. Would that frighten you to be seen as the sniveling coward you are in […]
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