January 29, 2011

Diaper Mask

I love seeing little ones with their bottoms all diapered cozy and snug, but what does mommy do to make you laugh? Does she make you wear the Diaper Mask? Hehe. The Diaper Mask, I made you do the Mask, the Diaper Mask, it was a Smash, a Messy Mask, you did the Mask, it was a Funny Task, you did the Mask, the Diaper Mask! Hehehehe! Sara 1 888 430 2010 Now if someone could please send in a picture to go along with my blog I would be […]
January 28, 2011

Sissy Pin Up

Isn’t this outfit so gorgeous? I want to put a sissy in something like this and take them for a photo shoot. Even better than that I would like to have twelve sissies to dress up like this and have them pose for Ms. Shirley’s Sissy Pin Up calendar. The we could have contests to see who was on each month. The best kisser for example might be on February for Valentine’s Day. The sissy who looked best in a swim suit would get June or August. The possibilities are […]
January 22, 2011


We all love to have our teddy’s with us…mommy knows that her little ones need their teddy’s to take a nap or just to make sure that they are ok…where is your teddy….oh did baby lose their teddy that is ok mommy will find that teddy for you sweet little one…oh don’t cry…mommy will make it all better…Josie.
January 18, 2011


What makes you smile so big and wide is it when granny takes you into her arms and holds you ever so tightly against her. Maybe its when she checks that diaper and makes a funny face looking down at you saying oh my i smell something down there.Or just maybe its when she changes that stinky diaper and give you a fresh bottle of milk and tucks a nice fuzzy warm blanket around you and rocks you to sleep sounds good to me. i enjoy teasing my little ones […]
January 16, 2011

They have arrived

Oh I am so glad that everything has arrived…went on a little shopping trip in anticipation of having all my little ones over for the weekend…the last delivery came yesterday and now I am trying to get everything it the perfect spot…oh but I do have a few surprises that little one will not be expecting…that are placed in the closet for when he is bad and needs to be reminded who is in charge so don’t make me open the closet…or else…Rachel
January 12, 2011

so cold

It is so very cold outside little babies. Do you know where Mommy has been hiding out? I've been wrapped up in my blankets in front of the heat. Yesterday I even decided it was time to get diapered. It's a feeling I haven't enjoyed much recently but I put one on yesterday. The ground was covered in a blanket of snow and I was covered in a disposable diaper and a thick warm blanket. I have to say, life was good. Mommy Shirley
January 7, 2011

Spanking you

Over the holidays I had more sweets than I normally would. So now that they are over I want to get back to my favorite way to burn off calories. What might that be? Spanking and playing with abies. I’m sure that many of you are in need of getting your bottoms warmed up .On your end you might be surprised to know that masturbation can burn 300 calories. So it’s my opinion that we start working together to get rid of some of the holiday calories together. Mommy Scarlet
January 6, 2011

New Year

  So it is  a new year…what are your resolutions…sometimes it is so hard to really think about what we can do and stick to it…those new years resolutions are often broken or forgotten but with this simple resolution we can all win…I know my resolution is to wear more and take care of all my little one’s…I went shopping and picked up extra diapers so I don’t run out and can stay in them longer….can’t wait for daddy to get home…he will be so proud of me staying in […]
January 6, 2011

Back to Business!

With the holidays past up now and a New Year ahead it is time to get back to business. Of course what that means for me is dirty diapers by the dozen, hungry babies that need breastfed, and many overdue spankings! Mommy Lauren is ready for her task ahead and eager to make sure that my adult babies are too! Your Nursery Awaits! Lauren 1 888 430 2010
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