December 20, 2010

Bells Across the Snow

First pupil: Christmas, merry Christmas! Is it really come again? With its memories and greetings, With its joys and with its pain There’s a minor in the carol, And a shadow in the light, And a spray of cypress twining With the holly wreath tonight. And the hush is never broken By laughter, light and low, As we listen in the starlight To the “bells across the snow.” Second pupil: Christmas, merry Christmas! ‘Tis not so very long Since other voices blended With the carol and the song! If we […]
December 18, 2010

Favorite Christmas Type Character

Everyone loves Santa…except maybe if he has an ex-wife, then I guess she doesn’t love him all that much. Anyway, who is your favorite Christmas character, it can be from a book, a play, a song, you get the idea. I wonder if you can guess who mine is..go on…take a guess. 100 points to you if you picked this guy: This is the Ghost of Christmas Present. Isn’t he awesome? I think so. Leave it to Dickens to incorporate Death into a story about turning your life around. When […]
December 15, 2010

Cookie time

Oh mommy needs to finish up baking for the holidays…the little ones enjoyed their time with mommy…making dough and cutting out cookies all day with mommy…they were so tired when we got done…but that is a special time that they will never forget…so what shall we bake next…maybe a few chocolate chip or maybe a pan of fudge…let mommy know so we can cook together and share that special time that all of mommies little ones oh so enjoy…Rachel
December 12, 2010

Diaper Changes during Christmas

Mommy loves to lay you in front of the beautifully decorated Christmas Tree and changes your diaper as you look up at all the Christmas lights. Little Aby gets all excited thinking about Christmas morning, listening to the Christmas music play. Mommy wraps you up nice and warm, the smell of cookies fills the room as they are baking in the oven, sucking on your baba Mommy reads you The Night Before Christmas in front of the fireplace nestled in Mommies lap. Merry Christmas to all you wonderful ABDL’s Mommy […]
December 11, 2010

Oh no

Oh no….I am sitting her writing my letter to Santa and I have not been such a good girl this year…what do I need to do to make sure that I am on the good list…I don’t just want a lump of coal this year from Santa…I do want all the wonderful toys that I have asked for…daddy can you help me be a good girl…so I can get all my toys from Santa….I know daddy will make sure his little girl will be good so she can get all […]
December 10, 2010

want mommy

I understand that sometimes you just want Mommy. You’re feeling sleepy and only Mommy can help you get to sleep. After a bath Mommy will give you a long drying off and put you in diapers with baby powder. It’s easier to sleep after Mommy has cared for you. There is no point in fussing you know you need your diapers. If we have to wear our diapers like a little baby then that’s just what we’ll do. It’s ok. Mommy Scarlet
December 4, 2010


This has got to be my all time favorite lullaby!  If you get a chance, you should really check it out! (here’s the link to it on YouTube – ) Dreamland (by Mary Chapin Carpenter) Sun goes down and says goodnight Pull your covers up real tight By your bed we’ll leave a light To guide you off to dreamland   Your pillows soft your bed is warm Your eyes are tired when day is done One more kiss and you’ll be gone On your way to dreamland   […]
December 4, 2010


Time is a are in the Christmas spirit this year…it seemed to come so quickly this year that I have struggled with what to get all the little ones this year….but that is not a surprise since so many of them have still not been oh so good….but the clock is ticking so you better repent your bad behavior and start acting like that good little one that we know that you can be…or else the lump of coal will be the perfect gift….Rachel.
December 1, 2010


Oh doesn’t he look cute with his Hello Kitty gear? * snicker * I think that he does. I think he looks soooooo cute that all of you should see him. One of my callers wanted me to see him and this is what he sent me along with a note asking to be shown on a blog. I dig the ear muffs, I may have to have him get me some the next time he is out shopping. Next time though, no pants dress or skirt baby sissy. Mommy […]
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