November 25, 2010


  Happy Turkey day to all of you…today is such a good day to think of others but also spend time with family…so be good for mommy and daddy…since there is only a short time left before Santa will be here…have you told Santa what you want for Christmas. …I got to go and sit on Santa’s lap the other day…I gave him my list…and he told me I was a good little girl…how about you…Josie.
November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving coming up I am getting ready to cook, and cook a lot. I enjoy it so it’s one time of the year that I cook recipes from my family members and try new things too. This year I am trying a new Peanut Butter Pie recipe so wish me luck with it. I hope that each of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving and a safe one too. If you’re lucky enough to have someone cooking up a storm enjoy it and if you’re the chef then have fun […]
November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Every Day

The table is brimming with good things to eat; We’re surrounded by family and friends; what a treat. The feelings that fill us today can’t be beat; It’s Thanksgiving Day, and it all feels complete. But other days, sometimes things don’t seem so fine; Those days are not polished and don’t seem to shine. It’s then in our minds, we forget all the good, And think of the things we would get, if we could. On days when our thinking causes us dread, If we could remember, it’s all in […]
November 21, 2010

Are they teasing you again?

Those other ABDL’s at the day care are always up to no good. Teasing and making fun of my little one. Pulling your little panties so tight up your butt you need Mommy Laurens help to pull it back out! Don’t you fret Mommy will make it all better, my sweety pie. I will line your little bottom with a nice cozy diaper to make you feel all better! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
November 19, 2010

diaper shopping

OK so who wants to shop with me the day after Thanksgiving? Are you brave enough to go out on Black Friday? You know what? On second thought who wants to avoid Black Friday with me? I may change my mind again though you never can tell about a woman and her shopping plans. All of those full parking lots, very long lines? It sounds like the bathrooms will be hell and there could be a good reason to go diapered. New plan! Happy Thanksgiving, Mommy Lexus
November 17, 2010

Mommy is here

Oh no did baby have a bad day…is he so sad that he needs to have a big hug from mommy…cuddling up next to her to feel oh so safe…knowing that whenever mommy is close by that she makes all your troubles go bye bye…yeah baby deserves mommies attention…and baby will be taken care of while in mommies house…oh so mommy will be ready for all your little ones….Rachel
November 15, 2010

There's a New Cook In the Cafeteria

Good morning, staff and students. We have a brand new cook. And that’s why our lunch menu will have a brand new look. To make a good impression, our cook’s prepared a treat: your choice of snapping turtle soup or deep-fried monkey meat. If you’re a vegetarian, we have good news today: she’s serving pickled cauliflower and jellyfish soufflé. And for dessert our cook has made a recipe from France: I’m sure you’ll all want seconds— of chocolate-covered ants. I hope you like this gourmet feast. I hope you won’t […]
November 13, 2010

Turkey Day Greeting!

Just wanted to wish my x-rated more mature audience a happy upcoming Turkey Day! I am very excited about cooking and decorating. So just for Shits & Giggles, thought I would share the Many fun things will be on my menu ………….. To Drink: Screaming Orgasm Cum shots Sweet Mothers Milk Appetizer: Mini Wieners Beer Battered Nipples Peanut filled Bottoms Main Course: 10lb Apple and Pecan Stuffed Baby Freshly carved Thighs and Breast Mashed potatoes with my Special White Sauce Sweet and Sour Balls Green bean casserole baked in Succulent […]
November 10, 2010

Good Boy

Mommy loves when her little ones are good little boys and girls…that way we don’t have to get the paddle out and make sure that you know what the consequences are…there are only a few rules that mommy’s little ones have to follow and do you remember them…well mommy will remind you once but after that you better remember of else…the paddles will come out and you will then remember with each spanking the rules…Josie.
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