October 23, 2010

Rocking Horse

Where shall we ride off to today? Perhaps to the plains of the wide, wide west, driving a herd to auction? Maybe to Arabia and its hot desert sands, with your horse as your only companion? You could be the star of a rodeo show, roping calves and riding the bronco. But where ever you choose to ride off today, Mommy’s love will always be with you! Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
October 23, 2010

Halloween Customes

So apparently Spiderman is going to be one of the most popular costumes this year for Halloween. I am here to say, I like Spiderman, but what about Spiderwomen? I think Charlotte as a famous spider from Charlotte’s Web was brilliant and fascinating; why not have costumes for a women spidey fan? I mean to say; here we have a mysterious, intelligent, talented, wicked but gentle, charming, radiant, alluring female spider that hasn’t had her fair share of the glory. She is the perfect idea for this year’s women, attracting […]
October 21, 2010

Halloween Costumes

Mommy is still trying to find that perfect costume to wear…we don’t want anything to scary…since we don’t want to scare any of the little ones…what should we do…we only have a few more days until mommy’s big party and what should we wear…so what is baby going to dress up as for Halloween…I have been surfing the internet for that perfect costume for you…I hope your happy once it arrives…oh so cute…don’t worry mommy won’t scare you…Rachel…be safe….and stay dry…lol
October 20, 2010

Bring your diapers

Ok I found one more place a diaper wearer or adult baby needs to make sure they have their diapers. That would be at Haunted Houses. Oh my, some friends and I went to one a few years ago and some of them are downright scary. That is what you go for, to be scared but it would help to have diapers on and ready just in case right? Be sure to stay diapered on these adventures. Mommy Shirley
October 18, 2010

Won't you be my Playmate?

Yes, I would like you to be my new playmate. Playmates have so many advantages; they are not only fun but necessary. We have such hard times across our world right now that it is so important to take time and play every chance we get. It is important to play because it is away to escape and release. So won’t you be my playmate? I sure hope that you will! Playmate Mandy 1 888 430 2010
October 16, 2010

Will you Walk into my Parlour…

“Will you walk into my Parlour, said the Spider to the Fly” – I absolutely adore that line.  It always goes through my head as I lure an unsuspecting victim into my lair.  They always seem quite surprised when they find themselves trapped in such a state – unable to escape, to run away, or sometimes even move LOL!  Forced to submit to and accept their new life, be it as an aby, a sissy, or my personal play thing.  Yes indeed, I do so adore that line!  So what […]
October 15, 2010

Slumber Party

Have you been to a slumber party lately…well they are great fun…to have everyone over in their pj’s and ready to tell ghost stories…this is the season for those ghost stories…then to spread out the sleeping bags and enjoy staying up half the night telling stories…oh what fun slumber parties can be…tell me about your slumber party experiences…Josie
October 8, 2010

Mom Cave

Hey Ladies how Cool is this! What took us sooooo long to think of this, I wonder? My bf who is an ABDL has his man cave it is in the garage LOL He loves his wood making tools. Loves to build homemade furniture for us, he has a few baby peices, and has the back of the garage he enclosed into his little nursery for his down time. So, I am going to use half my office to turn into my Women Cave!! OMG I love saying that. So […]
October 8, 2010


Did you ever have that dream where you feel like your falling…oh I am sure you have…then you wake up screaming for your mommy…hush little one it will be ok…mommy is here and will make you feel safe…but you better not do anything that your not suppose to do since mommy will find out all about it…no hush little baby dont you cry…mommy is right here beside you to guide you back to sleep…sssshhhh….Rachel.
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