July 11, 2010

Sock Puppet

How to make your very own sock puppet!!!! Now this is good clean fun folks! lol Things You’ll Need: •Wiggly Eyes •Cotton Socks •Single Socks •3/8-inch Dowels •Styrofoam Balls •Batting •Craft Pompoms •Fabric Glue •Felt •Scrap Yarn •Cotton Swabs •Cotton Swabs •Plastic Drinking Cups •Scissors •Scissors •Construction Paper •Permanent Markers •Pipe Cleaners •Permanent markers •Pipe cleaners Hand Puppet Step 1 Save a single clean sock. The sock needs to be large enough to fit loosely over a child’s hand. Step 2 Gather craft supplies such as construction paper, permanent marker, […]
July 10, 2010


Now this gave me such a tickle when I saw it! Poor little kitty! But then I was thinking, what a wonderful way of keeping an especially naughty little one under wraps, so to speak, hehe. Keeping them wrapped up snuggly and firmly so they can not squirm or misbehave or, heaven forbid, try and touch their little weewee in their diaper (like they try to do so very often, tsk tsk). So after an afternoon, or even a full day and night of being bound and denied of any […]
July 10, 2010

My Nursery

Look at these plush toys are they not just the cutiest thing you have ever seen? I think preparing for a newborn has to be almost as sweet as bringing them home. Afterall, a lot of time, consideration goes into all the preparing. The color choice, the furniture, how to decorate the walls, babies first toys which in my nursery would include these cutie pies, soft little cuddle bugs! Everything soft, bright and cheerful. I envision my nursery with a murrel of a rainbow, a jade colored pasture blooming wild […]
July 7, 2010

Rock the baby

Oh is baby getting tired….oh that is ok….go get your paci and blankie….mommy will rock her little one to sleep….oh I know how much you like to be read to…mommy has your favorite book….oh you are so cute…look at you waddle to gather up your blankie and paci….mommy just loves her little ones so much and is so proud of them…now get up here on mommy’s lap…oh as you place your head against mommy’s chest…it does make you so calm to be so near mommy…good little one…now go night night….sweet […]
July 3, 2010

The Wizard of Oz

They are playing a classic all weekend this weekend! One of my favorites and I am sure a favorite to many others as well! An all time American great to enjoy over the weekend kick back and regress. Strap on those diapers, slip into your comfy cozy pj’s, grab your favorite blankey, stuffed toy, eat some ice cream, snuggle up close, while taking a journey back to the one and only place where dreams really do come true ! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
July 2, 2010

smooth sissy

One part of feminizing you is removal of boy type hair. The summer months mean short skirts,dresses, swim suits, tank tops etc. . So that means you need to be smooth and presentable in anything your Mommy may want to dress you in. Are you ready for Mommy to take you to the beauty shop to have you waxed bare? I don’t care if we wax or shave , but the point is you will look smooth and nice for me. Little baby girls should be hairless anyway so I […]
July 1, 2010

Mommy Stella Loves Big Baby

Hi Aby’s. I’m Stella, and I would love nothing more than to be your mommy!!! I’m 47 years old, divorced and have 3 children all grown up and living on their own now. I miss doing all the mommy things I used to do, like diaper changes, breast feeding and especially bedtime with baby when I get to hold baby in my arms and gently rock him to sleep. I became a ABDL mommy because I love to take care of big babies, so don’t hesitate to call me and […]
July 1, 2010

Happy 4th

Well Happy 4th to everyone…hope you have some great plans for this coming weekend…time to cookout and have that picnic…enjoy time with mommy and daddy…or maybe with a few friends….I love the fireworks and all the celebrations that occur on this great day…oh don’t be afraid mommy will protect you from all those big booms….oh look at mommy’s little one there…so afraid…..it will be ok…mommy will not let her little one get hurt by anything…she is always there to protect you….Josie
June 30, 2010

mommy locks you up

Every time Mommy catches you playing with your diaper I wonder something. It makes me wonder if you could benefit from me making touching your wee wee off limits. It seems to be taking up a lot of your time lately. So I ordered you this chastity belt. Little ones should not be playing with themselves so much. Now this way it’s up to Mommy when you do it. What is that? You don’t want your girlfriend to know? It was partly her decision, what do you think about that? […]
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