May 16, 2010

Lil’ Kitchen Helper

So, I’m preparing to make some Portuguese sweet bread, and I was thinking wouldn’t it be great if I had a little kitchen helper here with me. We could have matching aprons, and you could help me gather all the ingredients and bring them to the table. Once all the ingredients have been mixed, you can help me kneed the dough until it is just right. You would look so cute with flour smudged across your face and on your nose! Then once it has risen, and is ready to […]
May 15, 2010

Baby Gear

Isn’t this precious. Seems like that tattoo culture has invaded every aspect of our lives. I remember when having a tattoo wasn’t so accepted like it is today. I still have yet to get one, but I want one. But only one, I will just have to pick a design or create my own I guess. Anyway, this is so cute, Mommy Forever, I think that would make the perfect tattoo. Your Mommy Forever, Liz 1-888-430-2010
May 13, 2010

Little ones enjoy…

Mommy was reading her little one a nice bedtime story the other night and oh wow did baby make a mess in their diaper….oh but that is ok I exclaimed….mommy is here and can make it all better for her little one….such a good little one to sit there and allow mommy to get them all cleaned up….oh no don’t play…mommy does not want to clean up another mess….hehehe…Rachel
May 8, 2010

Super Moms Everywhere

We all know what tomorrow is, don’t we? Hope all you little ones have something special planned for your mommies, ‘cause I wouldn’t want to be you if you don’t! All year she takes care of you and nurtures you and anticipates your every need and want. All without a thank you or a single acknowledgment of her tireless efforts day in and day out! (Are all of you feeling guilty yet? Hehe) So here’s to all you super moms everywhere! Keep the cape in the closet today and take […]
May 8, 2010

A Rose

The first red rose Sent out of season The second red rose Sent for no reason The third red rose Sent for happiness and health The fourth red rose Sent for gaining life’s wealth The fifth red rose Sent for gaining new friends The sixth red rose Sent for guiding you through life’s bends The seventh red rose Sent for praying you never tire The eighth red rose Sent for giving you all of your desire’s The ninth red rose Sent for your happiness in love The tenth red rose […]
May 6, 2010

You’ll thank me when your older

Are you a problem child? Do you need discipline and a good back hand? I specialize in troublemakers, and I know how to break their will and leave them in tears with diapers around their ankles and a very red ass. The only way to raise a child is with tough love and a heavy hand or a paddle or a belt or a hairbrush or a spatula or a…… Mommy Stella 1 888 430-2010
May 2, 2010

Be on the Look Out!

Smurfs Gone Wild! Be on the Look out for blue little creatures that go by the name of Smurfs. Don’t let the cute little name fool you these little creatures are armed, dangerous and WANTED in the alleged allegations of sneaking into windows at night, bounding up their victims and forcing many obscene sexual acts. Once again, they are dangerous, into BDSM and are believed to be stalking their next victim. Last report has these little blue creatures in the proximity of our very own Moderator Delilah’s house at 1:00am […]
April 30, 2010

May is coming

  The weather is getting warm and it is time to go out and enjoy it. We’re about to start the month of May. Can you believe it is here already? It’s time for Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, what a busy month it will be. I’m glad for the nice weather. I hope it doesn’t get too hot for plastic panties for you. Mommy will make the most of it though. Mommy Scarlet
April 28, 2010

Sweet little ones….

Oh where are all my sweet little ones at…..are you out running the streets….causing trouble….well mommy and daddy might have to give nanny a call and make sure that I stop over to ensure that you stay out of trouble…oh so you have been a naughty little one…..well nanny will come over and make sure that you stay out of trouble and that your kept clean….I won’t forget my diaper bag and all my little goodies for my little one to try on and explore with…..Rachel 1-888-430-2010
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