January 30, 2010

Oh no….

See I told you that you better behave or else….now that Daddy came home….I am going to tell him all about your disrespectfulness and how you did not listen to Nanny….I gave you plenty of chances to obey me but you thought that you could do what you wanted without consequences…well guess again….now do as I say….go and tell Daddy everything that you did today that you were not suppose to do….don’t worry if you forget something I have it all written down and will make sure that I also […]
January 24, 2010

Benefits of enemas

Most of my babies already know my favorite type of enema is Milk and Honey, the benefits of milk and honey are how it soothes the lining of your colon, as well as cleaning the colon. To me it is a very relaxing type enema. My second favorite would be a coffee enema for the detoxification it provides to the liver; the coffee causes the liver to increase bile and then excretes it. Therefore, if you have never attempted to try an enema perhaps you should reconsider it has great […]
January 20, 2010

Little Visit….

Ok to all my little ones I know that with January almost at an end….are you wondering if you will make it through the remainder of the winter…well I have some great ideas of what we can do to pass time….was standing in the nursery wandering what I could do to entertain all my little ones but also make sure that they obey all the rules that come with coming over for a visit….so I spent some time writing down all the rules of the house and wow the list […]
January 17, 2010

Scarf to keep you warm

Here is a great new accessories that everyone should have in their closet this year. It also looks like a great way to keep warm, all snuggled up in portal boobies. I wonder what the laws of incident exposure thinks of this new dress gear? I would love to wear this while walking past the Police station and see what they would say. What do you think, think it would become a scandal here in the US? Well I say its a great Scarf and a Must have! Rebecca 1 […]
January 16, 2010

New Diggs for Ducky

I found some new rubber for Ducky when he misbehaves. I think he looks awesome in his leathers. I do hope he likes the new outfit I picked out for him, the gag will come in handy I am sure. LOL I will have so much fun with my Ducky…..I hope he looks forward to it as well. Rub-a-dub-dub Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
January 14, 2010

Dress up Time

Now that I have your attention…I love to play dress up and make you my little sissy…now lets go up to my special room….don’t be afraid I will be gentle….as I slowly open the door I see the fear in your eyes…oh no you exclaimed there is no way I will wear that…oh yes you will…then I undress you and start to try on one of the many outfits that I have set out…you start to blush because your enjoying this special one on one time with me…then there is […]
January 10, 2010

A Planet Called Nye!

Let me bring you to another time and place a planet far from earth where fairy tales are real. We will begin by you lying your head in my lap, Close your eyes and clear your mind, you will control your breathing as I command you to. This will help to bring you to a state of total relaxation, to reduce your pulse rate and come under my control. I will begin by describing our flight to Nye as we cross through the galaxies floating and drifting effortlessly through the […]
January 7, 2010

Sammy’s Potty Training

A very sweet little boy who goes by Sammy called Mommy not long ago. We have talked a few times before and usually it was about Mommy putting him back into diapers for being a poppy pants baby. He told Mommy he thought he was ready to be a big boy again, but might still need diapers at night and during his naps. I was so proud of Sammy when he kept his pull up dry and clean for me. So as a reward Mommy decided to paint his favorite […]
January 6, 2010

Need time away

Hello all!!!! I have been so busy this past week restocking the nursery and getting it ready for you. I have bought a lot of new bottles, bibs, nappies, diapers of all kinds and sizes, safety pins, baby powder and lotions. I think I am ready for you now so come on over and we can put all these items to good use…As you can see I am prepared for whatever situation may come my way? I also bought you a nice party dress….do you like it….I thought so…Red is […]
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