December 26, 2008

A Holiday Gift

I was thinking what can I get for all the ABDL and diaper lovers out there. You know a special kind of gift just from me to them. Well I got to thinking and I am always being asked to post a picture of me wearing diapers. Well I figured a friend was coming over I might as well have him take a sexy picture of me on my couch in my diapers. I decided yes this would be the perfect gift for everyone. So without further a due here […]
December 21, 2008

Gas and Dirty Dipers!

Now for all of u abies you will be tootin a lot this season, so your gona need to be kept clean and dry. So make sure Mommy takes good care and changes those dipeys often. Mommy Sara 1-888-938-7382
December 11, 2008

butterflies for sissies

A sissy I talk to had to make a butterfly mobile. It’s so cute; it looks like the little mobiles you’d make in an art class. He sent me some pictures of it. He made it, sent photos, and then some of it hanging over his little bed. Such a sweet sissy, and now she can look at the butterflies as she drifts off to dream land. Do any of you have mobiles? Or other pretty things to look at, at bedtime?   Mommy Scarlet  
December 7, 2008

Tis the Season

Awww, the holidays! Time to spend with loved ones; decorate our homes with lights and silly little snowmen and reindeer. Singing jingles, wrapping gifts, and eating all kinds of fun foods! Hope you all enjoy yourselves! And let us all not forget to think of those less fortunate; it is the giving that really makes us feel good! Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
December 4, 2008

Sissy Diaper Girls

Oh how fun it is to get all dolled up in your sissy outfits and diaper up. *giggles* A day of play with Mommy is oh so much fun. Piggy Tails and all. *smiles* I so enjoy my calls with the sissy girls. Some times we play big girl and Mommy teaches you things that only mommy can. *grins* Other times we play baby time and have so much fun. Bottles, diaper changes, cuddles, and more! Mommy loves taking her baby girls and big girls to the salon and to […]
November 27, 2008

Make an Apple Turkey!

What could be more in the Thanksgiving spirit than a celebration of the turkey? You will enjoy making these little turkeys out of apples. *giggles* This is a great activity to keep small hands out of the kitchen while Mommy prepares that big meal. All you need are a few apples, some toothpicks, marshmallows and raisins and you’re all set! When you are done you will have made a fabulous table decoration everyone can look at and enjoy while they gobble the real thing. *smiles* What You Need: * A […]
November 27, 2008

diapered and on the go

With so many people traveling I wonder if diaper lovers are wearing on the roads? It would sure make the trips faster, and for traffic, oh my goodness what a lifesaver. So who is wearing on the road this weekend everyone? Curious mommies want to know. I see so many times that being a diaper lover could be such an advantage, traveling and camping are my two big ones. Mommy Scarlet Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
November 20, 2008

Lazy Days

Just laying around the house or doing what ever you want. I love those days were you do not have to be somewhere at a certain time or something has to get done. Just a day to do what ever your heart desires. Whether you laze around in your diaper, read a good book, watch a good movie, or go to the park to play enjoy your lazy days. What ever they bring you. Lazy days are great for a really good phone session. *giggles* 🙂 Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
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