September 5, 2010

Mommy Dearest

Ok, so I know that I can usually be seen as a sweet, loving mommy who likes to have lots of fun – and that’s true (mostly). But there is a strict, dommy side that I like to indulge in as well. With that in mind, let me share with you what I have been pondering. Seems that some little ones like to be mommy’s little helper, or be trained as sissy maids. This is all fine and dandy, but rarely are the chores set before them done to my […]
September 3, 2010

2 Mommies 1 Baby

  What do you get with two Mommies? Well two voices in your ear obviously. You get four hands to change your diaper, two mommies to spank you (or one to hold you down while one spanks you). With two mommies you get two loving but strict caretakers tending to you. From Sept.3-10 you can have Mommy Ava and I taking care of you for the price of 1 and a half mommies. Just ask for the 2 for 1.5 special when you call 1-888-430-2010.   Mommy Scarlet
August 27, 2010

Through the looking glass….

As I sit and reflect on my Mother, a smile always comes to my face. I think of the first time I skinned my knee and how thoughtful and concerned she was. Taking me inside and bandaging my knee, wiping away my tears with her kisses. I reminisce of the smells, the fresh baked cookies, dinner cooking all day long on the stove in preparation for a larger Sunday evening dinner. I reflect on her singing and rocking me to sleep long into my double digits. I recall the shopping […]
August 27, 2010

Last Week of Summer

Oh it’s Friday again. A lot of the babies and diaper lovers have 2 whole days off for themselves. What are you doing this weekend? Are you going to spend extra time in diapers? Hmm well whatever it is I hope that you have a fun weekend. I’m waiting for next weekend, Labor Day weekend. The last weekend of the summer activities around here. I have one last week to splash around in the outside pool before closing it up for another year. Mommy Shirley
August 23, 2010

Qui Jun and the Arrogant Monk

There once lived a monk called Shan, in a village in China. He had earned a great name for himself. But he was very arrogant. Qui Jun heard of his arrogance and wanted to teach the monk a lesson. He went to meet Shan who neither greeted him nor acknowledged his presence. Just then a servant of the monk came with a message: “The son of an army officer is here to see you.” The monk said, “I will go and greet him.” Shan welcomed the son of the army […]
August 22, 2010

So you like used diapers, do you?

You fifthly little whore, if that’s what you like that’s what you will get. I am going to fill your world with runny stinky used diapers, for you to wear and immerse yourself in. I will have so much fun when I make you wear them, smell them, and use them. You’ll be placed in the front of the class and most likely ridiculed for you stench, but that won’t phase my dirty diaper lover, now will it? Nope, you’ll make me proud and wear with pride! Mizz Rebecca 1 […]
August 21, 2010

Demon or Angel?

As with many people, I seem to have an angel on one shoulder and a demon sitting on the other, with both whispering in my ear what to do. My angel says that I should forgive my little one and let his little indiscretions slide. That I should hold him tight and shower him with kisses and love. My demon on the other hand, is telling me that he needs to be punished – severely. A paddling that leaves his hinny red, raw and welted, then forcing him to stay […]
August 8, 2010

Where did the year go…..

I tell ya, I just cannot believe that 2010 is half way over, right around the corner awaits Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas we will be in a 2011 before we know it! I think being in the business I am in doesn’t help with time flying by, when you like what you do the time just flies and that it did! Fall is fast approaching and we will all be once again busy with the holiday hustle and bustle, visiting with friends and family, even having to deal with […]
August 5, 2010


I used to be a big time gamer. I used to spend untold hours in front of my gaming system just…killing stuff. lol Unfortunately I do not get to game that much, if at all anymore. I miss it, but I still keep up on new games that are coming out and what’s new in the gaming news. One thing that I just read, not even 4 minutes ago is about Halo. Everybody knows about Halo and if you do not…where ya been? Anyway, some guy made Halo into a […]
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