June 19, 2010

Sore Hiney Blues

This is the official song of the slow pokes of the world. It’s called the Sore Hiney Blues: When the road is feeling rocky And you know you’ve paid your dues When your knees are feeling knocky You’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The SAGS, they got pretzels And Watermelons too, But when my hineys hurting They say, WE CAN’T HELP YOU! The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues Last night at the hotel While Red Eye drank the booze Johnny grabbed the jelly He’s got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues Each day that we’re peddling The ride is in the news Krystal she be writing Bout the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues John Frame’s got my suitcase Kathy’s got my dues Mike Quinn’s got my beer I got the Sore Hiney Blues! The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues Two hundred riders That ain’t just a few We’re standing all the way home With the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues My chain is slippin My tires are leaking air My hineys really hurtin Are we there? Are we there? The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues The ride is almost over Don’t need no stinking Cues But Tommy Imbrigotta’s Got the Sore Hiney Blues The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues 100 miles is easy 250 gets you sore 500 leaves you begging My poor hiney can’t take no more! I guess you can make up your own tune to it, since I didn’t see one with it. I think it’s about riding motorcycles, but I don’t know lol. One thing I do know, I can give you a sore hiney without making you ride a Harley for 1000 miles. Sue 1-888-430-2010 The Sore Hiney Blues Mamma, The Sore Hiney Blues Baby You know you’ve got the Sore Hiney Blues
June 18, 2010

Happy Daddy Day

I couldn’t find who wrote this poem, but it’s awfully sweet and I think it is true. A little girl needs Daddy For many, many things: Like holding her high off the ground Where the sunlight sings!  Like being the deep music That tells her all is right When she awakens frantic with The terrors of the night.  Like being the great mountain That rises in her heart And shows her how she might get home When all else falls apart.  Like giving her the love That is her sea and air, So diving deep or soaring high She’ll always find him there. Mommy Lexus
June 11, 2010

a diaper and a movie

There are so many new movies coming out to see this summer. From Marmaduke to Toy Story 3, The Karate Kid and even Ramona and Beezus. It just might be time to rethink dinner and a movie and make it diaper and a movie. That would be a more accurate description of a movie trip with Mommy. That way you don’t miss one moment of the movie that you can’t pause or rewind to catch back up on. Plus you won’t have to deal with public bathrooms, and that is always a plus. So what movies are you anxious to see? Mommy Scarlet
June 2, 2010

Diaper Pins and Toys

I don’t remember seeing this kind of My Little Pony when I was growing up. I had many of them though. So now I am looking all over for the diaper pin pony or ponies. I was just telling an aby the other night how I loved playing with these Pony toys as a girl. I grew out of it fast though and they got passed on to some other little girl. If you happen to see one of these on Ebay or somewhere please e-mail me ( phoneamommylexus (@) yahoo.com ) I will appreciate it so much.   Mommy Lexus
May 21, 2010

witchy Mommy

You’re in trouble now. There was no way for you to know, but I come from a long line of witches. Yep, the wicked kind of witch. We don’t have green faces and crooked noses at all do we? A lot of the other stuff is true though. We can cast spells on people to make them do what we want. You have around thirty minutes before that tea kicks in and you’ll begin to shrink and turn into a tiny helpless aby. When that happens you’ll want your witchy Mommy close by to look after you. The world can be a scary place for a little baby all alone. I have everything we’ll need waiting in the other room.   Mommy Lexus
May 16, 2010

A New Twist

Mother May I, you ask all day, Mother May I, none stop you say, Mother May I, do this and that, Mother May I, play with the cat, Mother May I, rings in my ear, Mother May I, as morning nears, Mother May I, I hear in my head, Mother May I, I’ve come to dread, Mother May I, I hear in my sleep, Mother May I, just repeats an repeats, Mother May I, again you say, Mother May I, each and everyday, Mother May I, you loudly scream, Mother May I, haunts my dreams, Mother May I, you ask with respect, Mother May I, I vigorously object! Hush now, My dear young lad, Mother grows tired, an quit mad, Mother May I, is driving me insane, Mother May I, will those words ever wane, Mother May I, No you may Not! Mother’s beginning to loose her cool, And seeks to find some useful tools, Gags and chloroform should do the trick, But only after 20 or so licks, I lock the lid to playpen your in, Looking down upon you, I give you a grin. In hopes not to hear, Those words again! Mother May I, I call you up? Yes, You May, if you got the bucks! Dial the no that is shown, 1 888 430 2010 -n- Prepare to grovel at My Throne! Mizz Rebecca
May 13, 2010

Little ones enjoy…

Mommy was reading her little one a nice bedtime story the other night and oh wow did baby make a mess in their diaper….oh but that is ok I exclaimed….mommy is here and can make it all better for her little one….such a good little one to sit there and allow mommy to get them all cleaned up….oh no don’t play…mommy does not want to clean up another mess….hehehe…Rachel
May 8, 2010

Super Moms Everywhere

We all know what tomorrow is, don’t we? Hope all you little ones have something special planned for your mommies, ‘cause I wouldn’t want to be you if you don’t! All year she takes care of you and nurtures you and anticipates your every need and want. All without a thank you or a single acknowledgment of her tireless efforts day in and day out! (Are all of you feeling guilty yet? Hehe) So here’s to all you super moms everywhere! Keep the cape in the closet today and take the day off! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
May 2, 2010

Be on the Look Out!

Smurfs Gone Wild! Be on the Look out for blue little creatures that go by the name of Smurfs. Don’t let the cute little name fool you these little creatures are armed, dangerous and WANTED in the alleged allegations of sneaking into windows at night, bounding up their victims and forcing many obscene sexual acts. Once again, they are dangerous, into BDSM and are believed to be stalking their next victim. Last report has these little blue creatures in the proximity of our very own Moderator Delilah’s house at 1:00am this morning, that’s right, you heard that right, so if you see her you may want to warn her the little BDSM Blue Creatures are in her neighborhood! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
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