April 28, 2010

Sweet little ones….

Oh where are all my sweet little ones at…..are you out running the streets….causing trouble….well mommy and daddy might have to give nanny a call and make sure that I stop over to ensure that you stay out of trouble…oh so you have been a naughty little one…..well nanny will come over and make sure that you stay out of trouble and that your kept clean….I won’t forget my diaper bag and all my little goodies for my little one to try on and explore with…..Rachel 1-888-430-2010
April 23, 2010

Mommy in Blue

Reading the forums on Phoneamommy.com is entertaining. I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t been the best at posting and visiting. When I do though I wonder why I haven’t gotten there sooner. There is a discussion about places you would not want to be diapered. Someone’s answer was in jail. Look at this picture though and tell me you would not let Mommy diaper you dressed like that even if it were in jail. Mommy Lexus
April 15, 2010

Come to Mommy

Oh my mommy is so proud of you…look at you…playing and then all of a sudden your crawling…oh mommy is so overwhelmed to see her baby do so much….ok baby can do it…crawl to mommy….oh then mommy picks up her little one and give a nice big hug….oh such a good little baby….mommy is oh so proud of her loittle one…what will baby do next….they grow up so fast….Rachel 1-888-430-2010
April 11, 2010

Don't Swat A Fly

This is a just a silly song that I sing to myself sometimes. It always manages to put a smile on my face and even makes me laugh a little every time I hear it or sing it. I was just a kid when my daddy said to me Son there’s much to learn in this life. And so there beneath a tree, he sat me on his knee He said there’s dangers in this world So follow my advice. Don’t swat a fly that’s landed on a pitbull Don’t […]
April 10, 2010

In The Cookie Jar Again?

Ah-ha! I caught you! You’ve been in the cookie jar again, haven’t you? Don’t try to deny it – you have cookie crumbs and chocolate smeared all over your face from the chocolate chip cookies I just made. Tsk, Tsk! You know what that means don’t you? You’re going over my knee for a swift and stern spanking young man! Then it’s into the corner with that red and sore tushie of yours! Such a naughty aby! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
April 8, 2010

Oh my

Oh my was cleaning up the other day and found so many teddy bears that my little one has collected over the last several months….they are so cute and cuddle….but wow what can we do with all the extras….little one cried when I said to give them to the needy but I explained that it would be the right thing to do since they don’t have as much as they do……then little one sat up and exclaimed that they were ours but nanny explained that little one has something that […]
March 27, 2010

What have you been sniffin?

I don’t know if I would be okay sticking my face up this dudes ass just to view the landscape. LOL I thought it was an interesting picture nonetheless; whoever made these statues making the view point their ass, well I want to meet him! Maybe Adam needs an Eve on that roof top, ya think? But instead of cement use a nice cushy material like memory foam for her Boobs and view it through her nipples. Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
March 25, 2010

Nanny says

Oh so you were wondering if you should do that or not….well nanny says you better think long and hard before you act up and do something that will get you into trouble….we don’t want to get in trouble do we…nanny will need to get her paddle out of the closet and do what she must then….so remember nanny knows all and will know if your a good boy or not….so you better behave and think about what your doing….since you don’t want nanny to give you a spanking or […]
March 20, 2010

Wet Diaper Contest

I was thinking, they have wet T-shirt contests, why not a wet diaper contest? All diapers could be weighed before they are put on. Then contestants are given two hours to get their diaper as wet as they are able (in ‘baby’ fashion only). At the end of the time limit, they would then parade, in pageant form, showing off how wet their diaper is and how far it sags down. And of course they would then be changed in front of everyone (so everyone could see that was no […]
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