November 8, 2009

A Special Dress

Oh I found the most delicious dress the other day.  I do so love vintage dresses, and if they have a gothic flare to them, well all the better.  So what do you say we slip this over your head and see how it looks on you?  Then we can take it for a little “test drive” around the block! We could even take a survey on how everyone likes your new dress *wink*!  So whatcha say?  Up for something vintage? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
November 1, 2009

Locked Away

I’ve come to realize there are times that one has to resort to more drastic matters. When trying to teach little ones that they are no longer allowed to use the potty like a big boy (which they have clearly shown that they are not), or having to keep little ones hands out of their diaper, then a pair of locking pants is the ideal solution. And if one has to sit in a wet and messy diaper for a given length of time, these will keep them securely on […]
October 29, 2009

Witch’s Brew

Here is a really yummy drink you can enjoy this Halloween. It’s Witch’s Brew Punch, and very good stuff. Preparation time: 10 minutes You Will Need 1 package (6 ounces) orange gelatin 1/2 to 1 cup sugar 2 cups boiling water 1 can (46 ounces) apricot nectar 1 can (46 ounces) pineapple juice 3/4 cup lemon juice 4 liters ginger ale, chilled What to Do 1. In a large bowl, dissolve gelatin and sugar in water. Stir in the apricot nectar, pineapple juice and lemon juice. Freeze in two 2-quart […]
October 25, 2009

Halloween Poem

IT’S HALLOWEEN It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween! The moon is full and bright And we shall see what can’t be seen On any other night. Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls, Grinning goblins fighting duels, Werewolves rising from their tombs, Witches on their magic brooms. In masks and gowns we haunt the street And knock on doors for trick or treat. Tonight we are the king and queen, For tonight it’s Halloween! Have a fantastic time this upcoming weekend, and please stay safe, and don’t take candy from strangers, unless that candy […]
October 18, 2009


Sunday, a day to relax and watch people get their butts kicked. What more could you ask for? I enjoy a good game of Football, and please do not think that because I live in Texas that I like the Cowboys, because I don’t! I know that’s a major sin here, but bring on the angry mob. Anyone that could keep T.O., or even pick him up for goodness sake is a joke in my book. Maybe T.O. just needs to wear some Rhumba panties, a short belly shirt with […]
October 16, 2009

I know you need a spanking! Naughty little adult babies aren’t going to be tolerated when Mean Mommy Lexus is here to set you straight. Discipline, enemas, humiliation, sissification and more! Do I have you shaking in your diapers yet? You should be! Mommy Lexus enjoys hearing your confessions, disciplining and punishing you, teaching you manners and obedience, and all kinds of role play scenarios. If you are a bad baby and you know it, Call Mommy Now because if you can learn to behave, you might get some special […]
October 15, 2009

Who would you be?

What’s your all time favorite oldie? I would say mine is Gilligan’s Island. If I were to be any character on that show I would think I would be Maryann. I think they would all look sooo cute in a nappy! Mostly, Maryann and Gilligan. Who do you think better represents you? The professor? Gilligan? the Millionaire? Or maybe you were more of a Brady Bunch fan? Who would you have been Greg? Peter? Or Bobbie? I would love to play Carol Brady and have fun with my three boys! […]
October 11, 2009

So I’m spanking this little brat for getting into trouble AGAIN and between all his crying he manages to get out: “you’re mean, Mommy Lexus!” haha, did you think that was going to hurt my feelings? oh dear. No, sweetheart, I know I’m a bitch, but that’s what you need to relax. Until you learn to behave, I’m not getting any nicer. Call it negative reinforcement. If you want a sweet Mommy, behave. Simple as that. Ask the good abies around here. When you behave, I can be sweet like […]
October 7, 2009

Dont make me use this

Ok now that you know that I mean business…I told you to behave and listen to what I have told you to do…the paddle was not working so I had to step it up a notch…are you peeing your pants yet..oh I mean your diaper….you should be very afraid of me now…so listen to my rules and the whip will go away….
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