July 22, 2009

I really have to go now!

Let's put a wager on it. If you win, you get to diaper me and make fun of me! Wouldn't you love your chance to turn the tables after the way I made you cry? Cousin Jenna 1-888-430-2010
June 17, 2009

Why can’t you behave!

Why can’t you behave! Why must you always get into trouble! You wake up in the morning with your diaper soaking wet. You color on the walls. You take all the toilet paper off the roll and string it all over the house! Why must you be so bad? CousinJenna is going to teach you a lesson! Widdle bitty babby is going to stay in that wet diaper, wash the walls and re-roll the toilet paper. Then the bad baby is going to stand in the corner showing everyone his […]
June 6, 2009

Oh those Summer Days and Summer Nights!

Oh those Summer Days and Summer Nights! Its summer time, time for fun and games In the sun and in the moonlight Take a Steamy hot daytime break with me Time out for a quick pick me up A playful phone call that will be the secret behind that Smile you display the rest of the day! Maybe even the week! To busy during the hot summer days? Well then…. After a long day riding the waves, or playing on the court Or after a hard stressful day in the […]
June 1, 2009

Playground Fun!

Summer time fun on the playground with baby! Mommy loves to take her baby to the park, I love to push you on the swing, build castles in the sand box, and of course slide down the slide! Mommy will feed you fun summer snacks like apples dipped in carmel, frozen chocolate bananas and rice crispy treats! Dirty Diaper? Lets change you here on the picnic bench, now dont be so shy, your friends won’t tease you about your tiny weenie! Well maybe they will. Mommy Sara 1 888 430 […]
May 10, 2009

Let Mommy Rock You!

Let us spend a nice relaxing Mother’s Day together. Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
April 26, 2009

My Pet!

Mommy Sara here, with the cutest sex picture I have ever seen! I think you will have to agree, now these two might not have as much fun as humans can but they win the cute vote by a landslide! Im not sure how happy Momma Bear is with the whole idea, but Papa bear seems Thrilled with the idea of inserting his plug in – in to Momma! I bet my abdl’s will really enjoy this because it brings back a little of the innocence and sweetness of the […]
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