December 20, 2013

Naughty or Nice?

It’s that time of year again – time for Santa to make his list and check it twice.  And what list will you be on?  The nice list?  Or the naughty list?  Will you be getting a stocking full of toys and goodies?  Or will it be full or coal and a paddle for paddling that naughty little behind of yours?  Will you be spending your Christmas morning opening all your wonderful gifts?  Or will you be receiving a paddling for being so very naughty this year?  Well, all I […]
December 13, 2013

Your Name in Lights

It’s been fun going to see all of the Christmas lights this year. I keep mine pretty simple so it is nice to see others who go all out. Would you like Mommy to take you on a walk or ride to see the pretty lights? We could vote on our favorite displays and get ideas for what we might do to decorate the next year. It reminds me of one abie I talked to this week. He likes all of the ways Mommy says she will tell the world about him wearing […]
November 28, 2013

Holiday Traditions

There’s something about sitting around the Holiday table with good food and good people and good conversation; a time to gather and share and laugh and feast on such wonderful food; a time to eat too much and drink too much and get too loud; a time for uncle George to unbutton his pants and tell the kids to pull his finger1; a time for aunt Gertrude to criticize how cousin Sally wears her hair and does her make up and cooked the sweet potatoes this year.  A time for […]
November 26, 2013

Rub a dub dub wash mommy in the tub

Rub a-dub-dub wash mommy in the tub. Make sure you fill that diaper while you scrub.squeaky Loofa my breast’s and your the ab mommy love’s best. When I get out to towel off mommy will change that messy butt. Get all the part’s of you squeaky clean. Maybe just maybe you can treat mommy like a queen and rub her down as well. Be a good baby now and brush mommy’s hair that is right mommy is gonna hold you so nice and tight. In my robe and you in […]
November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving and Diapers

Is everyone excited about turkey day?  So much delicious food to taste and sample… and let’s face it, gorge upon.  Between all the traditional dishes (i.e. turkey, stuffing, corn, sweet potatoes, etc.) and all those new or special family recipes handed down from generation to generation, your stomach will have to stretch beyond its capacity.  And as always, what goes in, must come out.  Now the question is, will what comes out come out TOO easily or with great difficulty? And will there be a long line at the bathroom?  […]
October 27, 2013

Sissy Makeover with Lacy

This weekend I got to have a sissy friend come over for a play date. I thought it would be fun to use my favorite makeup sets with my sissy friend. We went up to my room and sissy Erika sat down in front of my vanity and I got busy with all my pretty powders and lip glosses and lipsticks. I made her up really pretty with blush, eye shadow, thick mascara on her lashes, and gooey glittery glossy lips. After I finished with all her makeup I let […]
September 1, 2013

No Limits!

Mommy Ava needs a few young men to have a role play fantasy with. Are you ready to play. I don’t have any limits, I am kinky and wild. And I crave to be touched. I know how to take good care of you. I am caring, and very nurturing, and no one will treat you as good as me. So why don’t you come play with Mommy Ava right now. I know your hard just thinking about my swollen mounds. And my warm mouth that will make you feel […]
August 29, 2013


Once upon a time… Once upon a time there was a sweet and loving Mommy named Gina. Mommy Gina dearly loved adult babies. Her whole house was full of diapered adult babies and sissies and all their wondrous toys. She had one whole room to change their diapers and to powder their cute little tushies – that room was always very very busy! There was another room that was full of nothing but high chairs so she and all her friends could feed the ABies too. And of course there […]
August 22, 2013

Shout Out to All Our Diaper Lovers

As a Mommy, I take care and talk to, and in turn talk about so many adult babies and sissies, that sometimes mommy forgets about those men who are strictly diaper lovers.  Now I do talk to plenty who don’t want to be babied; those whose main interests in diapers are more sexually charged and erotic in nature, but I don’t think I give homage to them enough. I just wanted you to know I haven’t forgotten about all of you, and neither have the other ladies. Some of you […]
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