May 2, 2013

My Fussy, Hungry ABy

Mommy’s ABy is fussy today! I’ve bathed you, given you a fresh crinkly diapey, rocked you, and nothing seems to soothe you. You won’t take your pacifier and you’ve thrown your bottle down everytime I offer it. Does ABy want Mommy’s milk? Does Aby need to suckle on Mommy’s full, warm titties? You take me into your mouth with a contented sigh. With your eyes closed, you snuggle closer, nursing loudly and happily. What a greedy ABy you are! It makes Mommy feel so good to have you pressed against […]
April 22, 2013

Caged Peepee

Everybody knows that ABies get themselves into trouble all the time. They’re always doing something they’re not supposed to, or trying to be sneaky to get away with doing naughty stuff. And I swear, half the time its trying to get away with putting their hands down their diapers! Luckily, I always keep a few cages in my diaper bag when I go babysitting. And I like to surprise them with it! It makes it wayyyy more fun heehee!! When its time for their diaper change I put them up […]
April 22, 2013

Foot fetish

It is a smelly foot fetish that dean loves, he licks his mistress’s soles clean. I put my heels on his diapered little cock and he moans for me to  grind it into his puny balls nice and hard.  He yelps with horny excitement at the feel of my bare toes across his face  lashing out his tongue he honors every inch of my foot by planting little kisses all over them. What a pathetic little diaper bitch! He just does what ever I want for even a second of […]
April 13, 2013

Messy Cali

  Going tinkle in a diaper is fun… but going poopy in a diaper is MORE fun!! There’s just something about a soft cushy diaper that makes me want to fill it with a load of big stinky poopys! I like to hold for a loooong time, until I can feel myself all full of poopys. I turn over on my tummy on my bed and tuck my knees up under me so my bottom is lifted. I can feel my poopy trying to get it, but I make it […]
March 24, 2013

Easter Dress!

Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!! Did ya guess?!? I got my pretty new Easter Dress!! Getting pretty new dresses is always one of my very favorite parts of holidays since I love shopping so much!! And Daddy said that since I was a good girl for most of the time that my special Uncle came to visit, I could pick any dress that I wanted. I picked the prettiest light purple dress ‘cause purples my favoritest color AND it’s a pretty Easter color!! It has a swooshy full skirt […]
March 22, 2013

The Rules of Chocolate

In honor of the Easter Bunny coming with a basket full of yummy chocolates, I thought I would post some fun rules as they pertain to said chocolate.  So without further ado, I bring you…. THE RULES OF CHOCOLATE: If you get melted chocolate all over your hands, you’re eating it too slowly. Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want. The problem: How to get two pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car. The […]
March 10, 2013

Diaper Love

There are so many things that I love about wearing adult diapers! Lotsa times when I talk to someone who is just getting into being an adult baby, or just starting wearing diapers, they have all kindsa questions. Like whats so great about wearing diapers and being a babie, how I started wearing diapers, stuff like that. So I figured I’d just answer some of those questions! First of all, bein’ a babie is so nice ‘cause you don’t have to worry about things! You have your mommy or daddy […]
March 8, 2013

Poop Happens

Hi Babies!!! You know I love to change diapers, especially when Poop Happens. You can all be so good, and when you are I’ll give you some milk. And Guess what happens next? I will lay you down on my special pink mat, the one for the good little ABys, and I’ll pull off each side of your diaper and wipe away the stinky mess you’ve made. I know that Poop Happens, and I like that. Especially when I get to change my little babies, because they can’t help it, […]
February 14, 2013

Sitter Jenna

  Listen up adult babies; today Babysitter Jenna is in charge. Your mommy and daddy went off somewhere for the whooooole night. That means from now to when you go to bed, to the time you get up in the morning I am the boss and everything I say goes!! I always have mommies and daddies asking me to be a sitter for their adult babies, that’s because they know that when I’m the sitter, you dumb ABies are gonna get away with anything! What your mommies and daddies don’t […]
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