October 15, 2008

Do you know this cat?

IN SEARCH OF: One very bad kitty. Last seen shredding a stack of paper products, amongst them all my disposable diapers! Answers to the name of “Trouble”. Reward: you get to pet my kitty while I clean up the mess. *giggles* Lucky you! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
October 11, 2008

Oh, the Magical World of Fantasy

I love being able to escape reality. When we were young we were able to escape into are little world of imagination so often, now that were older most people dont even dare to. I need the escape to keep me sane. I love to Just Play!!!! And forget all my troubles and worries. It is true freedom, when you can use your mind to get away. No matter where you are….you can just go there in. Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
September 30, 2008


I love denim of any kind…jeans, shorts, skirts, shirts, shoes, purses, couches! There’s something about the stiff fabric combined with the way denim smells that I really enjoy. I love wearing a diaper under denim, the way it helps the diaper hug my body tight just makes it ohhhh so much more enjoyable for me. Makes those diapers rub just the right way. So you can be sure I love denim diaper covers too. I just want to slip this on over my diaper along with a cute tank top, […]
September 25, 2008

A long time in diapers

     I don’t normally make my abie spend an incredibly long time in wet and or messy diapers. Every now and then though I push it, we go longer and longer. A lot of our play is on a mental level so I love getting in and messing with his head. Like locking hi in plastic pants and then saying “I just might never ever let you out of these” He knows I wouldn’t do it, but the thought has him horrified. That bottom lips comes out and he whimpers. […]
September 23, 2008

Middle of the Night

Don’t you hate it when it’s the middle of the night and you just can’t seem to sleep? Do you need a diaper change, a warm bottle of milk, a soothing voice to talk to when that happens? I know I do. I enjoy having company in the wee hours of the morning. It helps me end the day on a happy note, and settles my mind for sleep. I would love to tuck you in tonight. CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
September 16, 2008


Mmm could you just imagine slipping into a diaper, and then slipping into this suit of latex? Holding that diaper soooo snug against your body. The heat inside would be unreal. You couldn’t get out of it quickly even if you tried, so you’d have no choice but to wet yourself. Mmm wouldn’t that feel so good? Of course I’d never miss an opportunity to point and laugh at you either. 😉 CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
September 9, 2008

All Depends…

*Giggles* Yes we’d all like to have that perfect diaper that just soaked and soaked and soaked til infinity, eh? This cartoon made me laugh at that thought. Because if we had that, then we wouldn’t need anyone to change us, ever. And isn’t that part of the fun of wearing diapers? Changing each others, snuggling afterwards, knowing that you are safe and secure? I love to snuggle after a diaper change. What kind do I like to wear? Well it all depends…on you 😉 . CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
September 3, 2008

Party time!

So my friend’s birthday is coming up, and I did the most ornery thing to her. I went to her house and I filled her entire room as full as I could with balloons! Balloons of all shapes and sizes. I even had a special balloon bouquet made up and tied them to her door. She had no idea and when she came back from class I was waiting there for her with a silly grin on my face. We spent quite a while laughing and popping balloons. Some of […]
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