January 31, 2020

Sissy Princess Pottypants Gets Fussy

ohnny wanted to get up, wanted to spring out of the crib Aunt Brenda just placed him in and yell at her, tell her that she couldn’t tell him what to do! He really wanted to tell her that she couldn’t turn him into a sissy baby and call him Princess PottyPants… but last time he tried that all he got for his trouble was being put over her lap to get a spanking that still had his bottom sore from two days ago. He couldn’t believe that all this […]
October 6, 2019

Sissy Locked in Chastity

All too often, a sissy will come my way with a grave misconception about just what they are permitted to do and what they are forbidden from doing. Too many sissies will assume that just because they may have been behaving lately, that they are allowed to take it upon themselves to decide to start playing with that little peepee. Sorry, sweeties! Wrong! That pathetic little thing belongs in one place and one place only: locked up tight in chastity! That look of disbelief and humiliation on their face when […]
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