August 22, 2015

Cuckold Sissy Hubby

I bet you think your dick is great… well its NOT! It’s a tiny, little pee pee, and you are a pathetic little cuckold bitch! I’ve eaten fries BIGGER than your puny little pecker. And I KNOW you touch it a lot. There you are diddling your dick in the corner, how PATHETIC!!! But what I can’t understand is how you find the fucking thing! What do you use for a jock strap? A thimble and some thread? Oh wait… you have to be a jock to use a jock […]
July 30, 2015

Mommy for Diaper Girl

I have so many wonderful sissy boys in my nursery and I just love getting to play with them. I think it would be fun to have some time playing with a sweet diaper girl. She can join us while we play dress up and with all the toys I have for us. I can buy new outfits for my adult babies, the pair of them will look so pretty in their dresses and adult baby diapers! I would hold them to my chest and have them each latch onto […]
July 23, 2015

Adult Baby Diapers from Mommy

My ABDLs love their nice cozy adult baby diapers. I have so many stacks of cute diapers for you in the nursery I made just so you could be safe and have fun with me. I would love to spend some quality time playing dress up and dollies with a sissy boy. Maybe you just need someone to love on you while you suck on some big tits and take in the warm milk to fill you up when you’re hungry. Your crib and changing table are all ready for […]
February 15, 2014

Sissy Nina

Sissy Nina walked in to my place and I told her you know you are not the boy that walked in here in that suit right? She looked at me and said”I am a boy,mommy please make me your son.” I smiled and replied with a kiss on her cheek she felt very warm after that as my lip’s were coated with a special Sissy regression powder. “I feel small and pretty now mommy, do I have to stay in diaper’s alway’s?” I said “Absolutely, you have to be in […]
October 27, 2013

Sissy Makeover with Lacy

This weekend I got to have a sissy friend come over for a play date. I thought it would be fun to use my favorite makeup sets with my sissy friend. We went up to my room and sissy Erika sat down in front of my vanity and I got busy with all my pretty powders and lip glosses and lipsticks. I made her up really pretty with blush, eye shadow, thick mascara on her lashes, and gooey glittery glossy lips. After I finished with all her makeup I let […]
September 20, 2013

A Day with my Sissy Baby

A couple of days ago one of my sissy baby girls asked me to take her shopping for a party dress. Much to her delight I was more than happy to do so. So I called my friend that owns a cute little boutique downtown – you know, the kind with all sorts of party dresses and formal wear. I arranged a personal meeting for her to meet my sissy girl and oh my what fun we had! I think we must have spent close to four hours just trying […]
August 8, 2013

New Playmates

Last week, Daddy was telling me about a new man at work.  Daddy said the man was very nice, but he was very lonely.  See, the new man just moved here from another town, very far away, and didn’t have any friends here yet.  The poor man!  I felt very sad for him, and I just can’t imagine being so far from home! Daddy asked if I would like to meet the new man and make him feel welcome.  With a giggle, I bounced up and down, clapped my hands […]
July 8, 2013

Cali Kitty Toots!

I learned a funny trick this week! It’s really silly hehe… and just a tiny bit naughty… but it’s just soooo funny!! I can’t believe I just learned about it. I was having my *special* Cali playtime with a toy Daddy got me as a end of the school year present and I guess I must have gotten a little carried away hehe. See, I was uhh… ya know, like moving it in and out, hehehe… and I started to go real fast ‘cause it was feeling so good, and […]
July 4, 2013

Daddy’s Lil Princess

Boy did I get in trouble the other day!  I was trying SO hard to be good, but I spilled my chocolate milk on the new carpet and Daddy got mad.  He’s told me and told me not to take my drinks in the room with the new carpet, but I snuck it in there anyway.  I was playing with my toys and knocked the cup right off the table, and milk went everywhere!  It was awful! Daddy came in and saw the stain and started to frown.  He asked […]
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